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Mobile money breaks the cash drought in Zimbabwe

At the height of the drought in Zimbabwe, our mobile cash transfers gave Florence and her family a rare glimpse of hope. We gave Florence a mobile phone so she could receive cash transfers via text to pay for basic food items. Read more »

The women of Somaliland: stories of strength and survival

The women of Eastern Somaliland are being pushed to the edge, desperately seeking food for their children as their country stands on the brink of famine. We met with six women who told us their stories of strength and survival. Read more »

A mother’s marathon for water in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, mothers like Ida literally walk a marathon every day, to provide water for their children. The countless hours spent traipsing to collect water takes time that should be spent working or learning — this entrenches the cycle of poverty. Read more »

Tackling poverty by changing minds, systems and lives

How you are joining forces with people who share the belief that no-one should live in poverty, to empower communities to build better lives for themselves. Read more »

Why is there famine in South Sudan and what can be done

Famine in South Sudan has left 100,000 people on the verge of starvation and millions more in dire need of help. This is a man-made tragedy, and we are running out of time to avoid it getting worse. Read more »
godebrite mother nduta

Through a Mother’s Eyes: Life in Nduta Refugee Camp

The Nduta refugee camp in Tanzania is home to more than 55,000 personal stories of survival and hope. Godebrite’s remarkable story is one of them. Read more »
Mother in West africa

West Africa: the plights of a forgotten crisis

Having already left everything behind, many displaced families now seek shelter in some of the world’s poorest communities that lack access to basic services like water and sanitation. Read more »

Displaced from home: stories of survival and solidarity in Nigeria

A largely unknown humanitarian crisis is deteriorating in Africa, forcing more than 2.6 million people to flee their homes. This story aims to give them a voice. Read more »
Irene smiles with holding two of her children in Zambia

These women are fighting against extreme poverty … with bananas.

Every day Irene would risk her life to water her crops and feed her children. Today, she’s a co-producer at an award-winning banana farm and changing the future for her family. Discover how Oxfam and you make a difference to people in poverty around the world. Read more »
Worawan Sukraroek

Our gender champions: a story of Sary and Polin

The Mekong river is a vital resource for poor and vulnerable people in the lower Mekong region, including essential water for fisheries and agriculture. Major development decisions — like dams — can affect the food security of the surrounding communities. The impacts of development on women and ethnic minorities is of particular concern. Read more »