Tag: farmers

Asking Julie Bishop to take a bite out of poverty
On a hot summer day in Perth last week, a contingent of Oxfam supporters from Julie Bishop’s electorate and myself visited her at her office in Subiaco to talk about the GROW campaign. By Paddy Cullen – Acting National Campaigns Coordinator With the mercury scraping close to 40, we downed a few glasses of ice […] Read more »

A hotter world is a hungrier world
Climate change will leave families caught in a vicious spiral of falling incomes, rising food prices, and declining quality of food, leading to a devastating impact on the health of millions. Last September, the world’s scientists concluded with even greater confidence that climate change is happening and its impacts are set to worsen. This week, […] Read more »

Joining the dots…
Last week was an exciting week with thousands of Australians taking part in Eat Local Feed Global while across the world campaigners visited the headquarters of global food giants to demand that they do more to prevent land grabs that are kicking poor farmers off their land in order to grow sugar for popular drinks. […] Read more »

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Associated British Foods – what they say and what we know
Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Associated British Foods (ABF) have had varied reactions to Oxfam’s new report exposing land grabs and conflicts in their sugar supply chains, and their need to strengthen their policies as a result. ABF came back fighting. It says it has always been scrupulous in its approach to land ownership; that Oxfam’s call […] Read more »

Support small-scale farmers and feed communities
80% of the 870 million people who go to bed hungry are involved in food production. They farm small plots of land. Tend cattle, fish, or even work as labourers. They are surrounded by the means to produce or collect food, yet they go hungry. Australian aid targeted at small-scale food producers can fight this […] Read more »

I was told “people are poor because they are lazy”
Ibu Silosor’s husband is a fisherman. He leaves the beach and “is at his Bagan [a wooden fishing platform out to sea] by 6pm. [He]… came back [this morning] at 5am,” Silosor tells me outside her home on the small island of Lembata in eastern Indonesia. Silosor, has already salted her husband’s overnight catch of […] Read more »

Women like Maleana need the support others have
Women play a vital role in the global food system and produce a large proportion of the food we eat; yet they have little access to land and their farm work is often underpaid and undervalued. If women farmers had the same access to resources and decision making as men, their efforts would significantly reduce […] Read more »

Promoting sustainable farming
Women work together to bring in the rice harvest. Small-scale farmers often work on each others’ land during the busy times of year to ensure successful harvests. The 500 million small-scale farms in developing countries are critical to food security; feeding almost two billion people. In countries like Indonesia, rice is promoted widely, and is […] Read more »

Life can change for small-scale farmers like Halima
High in the mountains of Lushoto in northern Tanzania, life has been very hard for Halima Shabani. Feeding and sending her children to school has been a constant struggle as have been the long back-breaking days tending her fields. But with support of overseas aid, life is changing for Halima and her family. Halima is […] Read more »

Putting food on the table
In Timor-Leste almost 50% of children are chronically malnourished. Our aid is helping small-scale farmers like Natercia feed their children and their villages but the Australian Government can do more. Sign the petition to call on the Australian Government to increase aid to those most in need. Growing up with two younger sisters and two […] Read more »