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Fairtrade on Tour – chat #3

As part of Fairtrade Fortnight 2011, Bob Roberts from FTAANZ interviewed Cecilia Granadino, Executive Director of MINKA Fair Trade in Peru, about the impact of fairtrade on her community. Read more »

Fairtrade on Tour – chat #2

As part of Fairtrade Fortnight, Oxfam’s Clancy Moore sat down with Senarath Yatigammana, Deputy General Manager of Bio Foods in Sri Lanka, to talk about the impact of fairtrade on his community. Read more »
Fairtrade Fornight 2011

Making the swap to fairtrade

We’re smack bang in the middle of Fairtrade Fortnight, and already we’ve seen heaps of events, forums, dinners, guest appearances and, of course, many many swaps. Read more »

Fairtrade on Tour – chat #1

We’re in the middle of 2011’s Fairtrade Fortnight, and as part of our series of live webchats, fairtrade producers Senarath and Cecilia met with Oxfam’s Debbie Hunt to talk fair, trade and all things in between. Read more »
Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

What would you say to the person who picks your tea?

Fairtrade Fortnight starts this Sunday! And this year, Oxfam is partnering with the Fairtrade Association to bring out two fascinating speakers to tour here and in New Zealand. Read more »