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Faces of Climate Change: Lekea’s story

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In 2010 we met Lekea Bornea, a farmer from the Oromia region in Ethiopia, who is feelings the effects of changing weather patterns and is the focus of our latest ‘Faces of Climate Change’ short film. Read more »

The faces of climate change: Helen

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Welcome to our very first ‘Faces of Climate Change’ video for 2011, featuring the moving story of Helen Henry, a mum and community leader, from Hamilton in south-western Victoria. Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Getting smart on climate change – Part 3

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In order to prevent dangerous climate change, wealthy developed countries, including Australia, must reduce their carbon pollution by at least 40 per cent by 2020 (below 1990 levels) and return levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 ppm. Read more »
Image courtesy

Getting smart on climate change – Part 2

Rising sea levels and tidal inundations linked to climate change have also significantly reduced access to locally-grown foods including the staple root crops taro and pulaka. These climate impacts have contributed to an increased reliance on imported, processed foods – the consequence is a rise in health conditions like diabetes and hypertension previously little known in Tuvalu. Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Getting smart on climate change – Part 1

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If left unchecked, climate change threatens not just our way of life, but the lives of millions of people living across the Pacific, Asia and beyond. The flipside is that climate change presents us with a tremendous opportunity to reassess our priorities and shape a new, sustainable and more just world. Read more »

Faces of Climate Change: Sahena’s story

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Sahena Begum is a force of nature in herself. She is an inspiring community leader from Bangladesh and the feature of this week’s Faces of Climate Change short film. Watch her story. Read more »

The faces of climate change: Vietnam

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Should rich high greenhouse gas polluting countries provide funding, above their existing aid budgets, to assist poor communities adapt to climate change? With the support of local development organisations and the government, the people of Bac Ai in Vietnam have invested in new ways to manage their access to water, and are planting different crops which can survive with less rain and are more resilient to changing weather patterns. Read more »

The faces of climate change: Henry

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Henry has a long history with Clayton, South Australia – he and his wife were the first residents there. Over the past few decades they have watched the town grow up around them, but at the same time they have witnessed the effects as the mouth of the Murray River has gradually dried up. Read more »

The faces of climate change: Martina

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In north-eastern Uganda where Martina Longom lives, the weather has never been perfectly predictable, but in the last few years it has become increasingly unreliable. As impacts from climate change worsen, Martina and her community are finding new and innovative ways to cope and build their resilience. Read more »

The faces of climate change: Ursula

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Australia has particular responsibility to both reduce its own emissions but also support Pacific Island communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change they’re now facing. Watch the first in our series of The Faces of Climate Change – Ursula Rakova from the Carteret Islands. Read more »