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Yemen: Cash transfers in Aslam district supporting drought-hit families

Find out how Oxfam is helping families affected by the drought in Yemen through cash transfer payments. Read more »
Members of the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Cultural Fishing, together with Traditional Owners, at Mystery Bay, NSW, on the morning of the hearing in Narooma in July 2022

Cultural fishing: Rights to an ancient practice left unprotected

Testimony by South Coast Aboriginal people has spelled out the cost to their communities from the refusal of successive governments to legislate cultural fishing rights. Read more »

Beyond Covid-19: could we create a more sustainable world?

What will the world’s response to the COVID-19 crisis mean for the two defining and interconnected challenges of our age: climate change and global inequality?   Read more »
Kangaroo hopping away from bushfires

Australia is learning firsthand what our neighbours have suffered for years

The bushfires have shown us what climate change looks like. A reality millions are facing today all over the world. We reflect on the crisis and what we can do today. Read more »

Cooking for the climate

By Tori Sanderson, GROW Team Intern Every time you open your fridge and pantry, you step into the global food system. Don’t believe us? Oxfam’s Food Transformation report shows us that the decisions we make every day have global impacts on the climate, agriculture and food. In particular, our energy use can significantly contribute to […] Read more »

The Mekong Deal: The rich cash in, the poor pay

By Robin Narciso – an Oxfam volunteer in Phnom Penh What is extreme poverty? Living on under a dollar per day? When you see what the Mekong gives to its people, you understand how it is the river, not a couple of dollars that determines their survival. In Samphin, a small town in the Cambodian […] Read more »

3things on handmade happiness, the environment and dads

What has the 3things project been up to lately, you ask? Plenty! They chatted to crafter Kelly White about making, meding, and doing. They looked at the treatment of dolphins, and this big blue planet we share with them. And they gave you some tips for Father’s Day shopping — it’s Sunday! Read more »
Photo: Qiu Bo / Greenpeace

Dyeing rivers: Environmental concerns for China’s garment sector

Investigations by environmental NGO Greenpeace East Asia have uncovered serious environmental degradation, including high concentrations of heavy metals, in Chinese manufacturing centres Xintang and Gurao. Read more »

3things on generational change, plastic bikinis & Euro trash

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This week on 3things we saluted a young Aussie from Generation Y not? And discovered there are no limits when it comes to recycling… Read more »