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Photo: Bonnie Savage Oxfam AU

Television can be good for your health

Television can get a bad rap. It incites us to buy products, vote for politicians and can influence how we should act, think and feel. But across the Pacific, hit TV show, “Love Patrol” is leveraging the power of TV to put HIV in the limelight. Read more »
Photo: Matthew Vasilescu/OxfamAUS

School resources putting a spotlight on the Olympics

Make the most of Olympics fever to raise your students’ awareness of the serious labour rights issues behind many of the big sports-wear brands, with our new Olympic Special Student Action Guide. Read more »
The Concord Project

Apathetic, self-obsessed teens? Whatevs…students tackling the tough issues

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Students from Cheltenham Girls High School are taking action on issues of children in detention – and proving to be leaders in their own right. Read more »

The Majestic Plastic Bag – A Mockumentary

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And now for something completely different: after rediscovering the joys of the classic nature documentary, Sharon stumbles upon a clever mocumentary perfect for classroom use. Read more »

Closing the Gap profile: Moss Vale High School

Oxfam volunteer Sarah Morris profiles Moss Vale High School, where students are preparing for National Close the Gap Day, one of the biggest days on their school calendar. Read more »
Photo: Richard Kendall/OxfamAUS

From literacy to equality

Literacy enlightens, empowers, inspires and increases a woman’s ability to earn a living. The more she learns, the better she’ll understand her rights — and the more likely she’ll be to speak up for herself. This is precisely the aim of the Yehimbole Literacy Project (YLP), a new community-led adult literacy program recently established in […] Read more »

Would you rate company CSR practices?

There has been a proliferation of company rating schemes in the past few years, but when it comes to improving workers’ rights are they really such a good thing? Read more »

What do our students know about the famine in the Horn of Africa?

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Ideas to motivate your students to better understand the famine in the Horn of Africa and how they can contribute to a world without hunger. Read more »
Sneaky Business: Support Footwear Workers' Rights

Sneaky Business Toolkit

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Want to help promote a new global action in support of workers’ rights? The Sneaky Business toolkit provides you with everything you need. Read more »