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Photo: Andrew Gooden/OxfamAUS

Schools in Action: Lyndhurst Secondary College’s epic Hunger Banquet

Can you believe that in 2015, 1 in 9 people still go to bed hungry every night? So as part of Eat Local Feed Global almost a hundred schools around the nation set out to understand what is causing global hunger and experience a lunch they’d never forget. We popped in to Lyndhurst Secondary College in Victoria, whose ‘Food Glorious Food’ Year 9 classes ran two banquets. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam AU

Eat Local Feed Global

Oxfam Australia is fortunate to have passionate and knowledgeable prominent Australians supporting our Eat Local Feed Global initiative this October. Met some of the celebrities who are helping to create a world free from hunger and inequality. Read more »
Photo: Boy and Bear

Win tickets to Boy and Bear

Do you like eating? I do. We should do it the same room sometime, with a whole bunch of our friends. And there’s never been a better time now that Boy and Bear are coming to town Read more »

A hotter world is a hungrier world

Climate change will leave families caught in a vicious spiral of falling incomes, rising food prices, and declining quality of food, leading to a devastating impact on the health of millions. Last September, the world’s scientists concluded with even greater confidence that climate change is happening and its impacts are set to worsen. This week, […] Read more »

Joining the dots…

Last week was an exciting week with thousands of Australians taking part in Eat Local Feed Global while across the world campaigners visited the headquarters of global food giants to demand that they do more to prevent land grabs that are kicking poor farmers off their land in order to grow sugar for popular drinks. […] Read more »

Thank you for helping Eat Local Feed Global this year

Last Wednesday was World Food Day and as part of our work fighting poverty and hunger, we asked you to Eat Local Feed Global with friends or family and do your bit to reduce hunger around the world. And you answered a resounding ‘Yes!’ More than 400 events took place — with supporters just like […] Read more »

The Buzz Garden Party: Eat Local Feed Global

This World Food Day (16 October) and in the days around it, Australians are taking part in Oxfam’s Eat Local Feed Global to help fight hunger and poverty overseas. Sophie from The Buzz garden blog is one person who held an activity this year to raise funds for Oxfam’s life changing work to help small scale farmers […] Read more »

Tackling hunger this World Food Day

842 million people around the world still go hungry. But small actions can create lasting change.  This World Food Day (16 October) and in the days around it, Australians are taking part in Oxfam’s Eat Local Feed Global to help fight hunger and poverty overseas. From Tasmania to Townsville, Perth to Sydney, people are getting […] Read more »

World food on World Food Day

With World Food Day (October 16) fast approaching a number of Oxfam supporters are preparing their Eat Local Feed Global activities. Eat Local Feed Global is held from the 12th to the 20th of October to increase awareness about injustices in the global food system and raise money for Oxfam’s life changing work. Register to take […] Read more »

If it’s broke, let’s fix it

With World Food Day (October 16) fast approaching a number of Oxfam supporters are preparing their Eat Local Feed Global activities. Eat Local Feed Global is held from the 12th to the 20th of October to increase awareness about injustices in the global food system and raise money for Oxfam’s life changing work. Register to take […] Read more »