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Photo: OxfamAUS

When disaster strikes

At this time my country is experiencing a lot of disasters. These disasters have major impacts on communities, and place a great burden on the lives of many Indonesians. Read more »
Photo: Kateryna Perus/Oxfam

When will things let up for Haiti?

In the past ten months, a country that initially faced extreme poverty has dealt with a devastating earthquake, heavy rains and storms, and now a fast-spreading cholera epidemic. For outsiders, Haiti’s recovery seems frustratingly slow. For organizations working here, the question is where to start? Read more »

Haiti aid "maxed" as hurricane looms

With Hurricane Tomas bearing down on Haiti and expected to make landfall on Friday, Oxfam is worried about the ability of the humanitarian community to mount a third simultaneous emergency response in Haiti while still responding to January’s earthquake and the cholera outbreak earlier this month. Read more »

Indonesia disasters

In late October 2010, Indonesia was struck by a trio of disasters. An earthquake and resulting tsunami in Sumatra killed at least 272 people and displaced more than 500. The eruption of Mt Merapi, one of the most active volcanos in the world, has displaced nearly 70,000 people in Java. Read more »
Photo: Jane Beesley: Oxfam

Creative waste solutions in Haiti

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An enormous amount of rubbish is created in the camps housing displaced people in Haiti, and dealing with it can be a big problem. Oxfam’s Public Health team have come up with an innovative and creative solution. Read more »

Staying healthy in Haiti

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In the crowded camps of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Oxfam’s public health promoters have found a memorable way to prevent the outbreak of disease. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam Canada

Cash for work scheme changing lives in Haiti

As well as providing, latrines, clean water, emergency shelter, other basic needs to people affected by the Haiti earthquake, Oxfam is also helping them to earn vital income through a cash-for-work scheme. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

What do Haitians want?

Film students from Haiti’s only film school ask Haitians about their priorities for the reconstruction of their country. Read more »