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Fancy yourself as a bit of a closet designer?

Our trusty friend the air conditioning unit can’t be the only solution to combating climate change. The stark truth is that climate change is happening now, and it’s making the world hot and hungry. Yes friends climate change has a direct effect on…Food glorious food. But we need decent weather to grow the stuff – […] Read more »

If Only All Great Discussions Could Happen In Bed

It’s the oft-posed hypothetical: who would your ideal fantasy dinner party guests be? Oxfam’s Design for Change staff, never ones for conventionality, decided to take that one step further last week and plot who they’d like to be in bed with. Read more »

The countdown begins: 6 days until launch

By Clancy Moore, GROW Campaign Coordinator On Wednesday 2 October we will launch the next phase of Behind the Brands. The details of this are top-secret until launch, but this exclusive teaser video made by one of our Design for Change volunteers gives you a sneak preview of the campaign to come. Sign up now to […] Read more »