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Sneaky Business marches through Indonesia

More than 240 people from around the world have joined Sneaky Business—an online march to demand workers’ rights in the footwear industry. Read more »
Sneaky Business: Support Footwear Workers' Rights

Sneaky Business Toolkit

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Want to help promote a new global action in support of workers’ rights? The Sneaky Business toolkit provides you with everything you need. Read more »
Image Credit: istock/OxfamAUS

Abuse part of daily bread for Converse workers

Women making Converse sneakers at the Pou Chen Group factory in Sukabumi have been kicked, slapped and taunted by their supervisors. Read more »
Photo: Rino Hidayah/OxfamAUS

My thoughts on democracy and protest

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As workers, getting our message or opinion across to multinational corporations can be difficult. This is what makes the role of protests so important… Read more »

EngageMedia: Supporting video activism in the Asia Pacific

EngageMedia is a social justice organisation supporting video activists across the Asia and Pacific region. Read more »
Photo: Ben Adams/OxfamAUS

Strong women, extraordinary challenges

As a migrant worker Nining was under pressure to survive in her new environment as well as to provide support to her parents and family back home. At the same time, Nining could not stand the way that workers were treated and exploited within the factory. Read more »
Fashion victims

Jeans sandblasting and the real fashion victims

A growing number of global denim brands have taken action to end the life threatening practise of sandblasting. But there is still a long way to go towards a global ban. Labels including Dolce & Gabbana, Benneton and Diesel are refusing to take action. Read more »

Cue up for more ethical clothing!

Australian fashion pioneer Cue determined to walk the talk on labour rights. Read more »