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Sammy J holding a sign that says "Pay a living wage"

Sammy J says: Dear Kmart, Increase What She Makes

Sammy J speaks for a lot of us – when we’re shopping, we all love a bargain. But, the bargain shouldn’t be what she makes. Read more »
Original Marines_istock

Call on Original Marines to end intimidation of factory workers

Original Marines is facing international criticism for its ongoing failure to respect and uphold the rights of women and men making its products in Indonesia. Although the iconic Italian company claims to have ‘always helped families’, this has not been the experience of the families of workers who lost their jobs trying to improve working […] Read more »

Play Fair at the Olympics

While our athletes prepare to go for gold at the London Olympics, the workers who make the clothes they wear are being forced to work excessive hours for poverty-level wages, a recent report has found. Oxfam is calling on the Australian Government to ensure workers who produce sportswear for Australia’s Olympic athletes are treated fairly. […] Read more »

Nestle – Not so pure

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Nestle claims to endorse the pure life, but dirty practices continue at the factories that produce its products Almost 10,000 people have joined the campaign to get Nestle to respect trade union rights in Indonesia. The IUF began the online campaign after 53 union members at the company’s factory in Panjang, Indonesia were fired as […] Read more »

Make IT Fair

The Make IT Fair campaign, together with GoodElectronics, is putting the pressure on big IT companies like Apple and Samsung to give a fair deal to the people that make their products. Apple is now the world’s largest corporation, valued at more than half a trillion US dollars. Workers in factories that manufacture Apple products, […] Read more »

Wal-Mart receives wooden spoon on workers’ rights

The International Labour Rights Forum (ILRF) has released its latest Working for scrooge report, which exposes companies with some of the worst records on respecting freedom of association in 2011. Four companies were singled out for individual scrutiny because of their poor labour practices. Culprits include the world’s largest fresh fruit and vegetable producer, Dole […] Read more »

When is enough enough? The question of a maximum wage

A living wage is increasingly acknowledged as  a fundamental right for workers throughout the world. But in a world of finite resources and slowing economic growth, the question remains of what might need to change to allow low-waged workers to obtain a fairer share of pie. Many believe that the answer may lie in examining the opposite spectrum […] Read more »

Would you rate company CSR practices?

There has been a proliferation of company rating schemes in the past few years, but when it comes to improving workers’ rights are they really such a good thing? Read more »