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Image courtesy Control Arms

Australia’s ban on cluster munitions: Will we set the right example?

Yesterday, the Australian Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade was due to deliver its report on its inquiry into the Criminal Code Amendment (Cluster Munitions Prohibition) Bill 2010. This is the proposed legislation that will enact Australia’s obligations under the Cluster Munitions Convention, which it signed at the end of 2008. Read more »
Image courtesy Control Arms

Armstreaty 2011 – it’s a wrap

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The Arms Trade Treaty negotiations have come to a close (for now). Ben Murphy gives us a rundown on what has been achieved, and where to from here. Read more »
Image courtesy Control Arms

Ammunition in the Arms trade Treaty: Is it possible?

Since I’ve been working on the Control Arms campaign with Oxfam Australia, I’ve been particularly interested in the issue of ammunition, and how it should be addressed within an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Read more »
Image courtesy Control Arms

Armstreaty negotiations get going like a Rolling Stone

With talks currently underway in New York City, the Chair of the Arms Trade Treaty Roberto Moritan may have already set the scene for these important negotiations. He has warned delegates that the Rolling Stones might have something to teach everyone about expectations when they sing “I can’t get no satisfaction”. Read more »
Afghanistan: On the road between Mazar-i-Sharif and Kabul. © Guy Tillim/Control Arms

How can the Arms Treaty support development?

In 2007-8 the infant mortality rate dropped in Brazil saving 1,700 babies from early death compared to the year before. The same year 14,000 young Brazilians between 14 and 19 years old were killed as a result of armed violence. This brutal trend is essentially shooting down Brazil’s hard won development achievements, and begs the question – development for what? Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Time to get serious about the Arms Trade Treaty

by Ben Murphy, Humanitarian Advocacy Officer, Oxfam Australia. Ben will be blogging and tweeting (@Ben_Murphy83) from insude the UN Arms Trade Treaty conference all next week. Once again, I’m joining a group of campaigners from around the world for a one-week session of the negotiations towards an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) at the UN in […] Read more »

Shooting Poverty winning films released

Watch the winning films from Shooting Poverty – an opportunity for filmmakers from around the world to create a short documentary showing the deadly impacts of armed violence and irresponsible transfers of weapons on ordinary people. Read more »