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Worldwide voices call for a global Arms Trade Treaty

On 3rd July 2012 the Control Arms campaign handed over a global petition to the United Nation’s Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calling for a strong Arms Trade Treaty. Read more »

500,000 worldwide tell governments – we need to Control Arms now!

Today in New York, Control Arms campaigners handed over the Speak Out petition on the Arms Trade Treaty to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, signed by over 521,000 people worldwide. The petition calls on world governments involved in the Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations this month to secure a strong, effective treaty that prevents irresponsible arms […] Read more »

Artists demand an Arms Trade Treaty

International artists including Kristin Davis, Keira Knightley, Yoko Ono, Scarlett Johansson, Coldplay, Tim Roth, Annie Lennox and Kevin Spacey have joined forces to demand governments take immediate action to help improve regulation of the international arms trade. The stars combined to send a joint letter to Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations urging […] Read more »

Campaigners call for a bulletproof treaty

Talks on the world’s first Arms Trade Treaty will begin in just a few days time. All 193 world governments will meet in New York on Monday July 2nd for a month long negotiating conference to agree on global, legally binding regulations on international sales of arms. The treaty aims to prevent irresponsible arms transfers […] Read more »
Handing over signatures to Richard Marles

Australians tell the Government “Bring us home a bullet-proof Arms Trade Treaty!”

It’s now just 5 days to go until negotiations begin in New York for the first ever legally binding Arms Trade Treaty, to prevent arms exports from ending up in the wrong hands. Today Oxfam Australia’s Government Relations Advisor Reece Kinnane and Oxfam supporter and volunteer Melissa Gillies joined Amnesty International, Act for Peace and […] Read more »

Tweet the world’s biggest arms exporters to support the Arms Trade Treaty!

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Join the Global Tweet-a-thon for the ATT! Supporters of a robust ATT will target the Twitter accounts of the US State department and Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for one hour each day, with key messages on why they too must support the treaty. Read more »

Countdown to an Arms Trade Treaty

As part of “100 Days of Speaking Out!”, a countdown to the arms trade treaty negotiations, the Control Arms campaign is regularly featuring stories and profiles of different people who support a bulletproof ATT. Read more »

The state of play of the #ArmsTreaty negotiations

In the lead-up to July’s Arms Trade Treaty negotiations, several key issues are at play. This blog post provides an overview of the treaty’s scope and implementation, as well as the potential outcome of the negotiations. Read more »

Setting the scene for the #Armstreaty negotiations in July

With negotiations for the long-awaited Arms Trade Treaty taking place in July, this blog post sets the scene and outlines what preparations and progress have been made so far. Read more »

Arms Trade Treaty: Let’s finish what we started

By Kate Hughes, Oxfam Great Britain Global Campaigner – Conflict and Humanitarian I was 10 when I joined my first protest. Since then I have been campaigning against poverty and war, and for human rights and dignity. I have been part of a human chain to cancel poor countries’ debt, I have run for Congo, […] Read more »