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Hunger in a heating world

A year and a half since the pandemic began, deaths from hunger are outpacing the virus. Ongoing conflict, combined with the economic disruptions of the pandemic and an escalating climate crisis, has deepened poverty and catastrophic food insecurity in the world’s hunger hotspots and established strongholds in new epicentres of hunger. Read more »

Yemen: Cash transfers in Aslam district supporting drought-hit families

Find out how Oxfam is helping families affected by the drought in Yemen through cash transfer payments. Read more »

The hunger virus multiplies: Deadly recipe of conflict, Covid-19 and climate accelerate world hunger

A year and a half since the pandemic began, deaths from hunger are outpacing the virus. Ongoing conflict, combined with the economic disruptions of the pandemic and an escalating climate crisis, has deepened poverty and catastrophic food insecurity in the world’s hunger hotspots and established strongholds in new epicentres of hunger. Read more »