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Close the Gap and the NRL tackling Indigenous health inequality

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For the fifth year running, the NRL is dedicating a round of matches to Close the Gap – Australia’s largest campaign to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. The round (3-6 August) will raise awareness of Indigenous health inequalities, but also encourage further cooperation to Close the Gap between our leaders and communities! Remind […] Read more »
Darren Mercy and daughter Avril Mercy play in the garden outside Galambila Aboriginal Health Service. Photo: Jason Malouin/OxfamAUS

Tackling Indigenous inequality

For the fourth year running the NRL is again dedicating an entire round of their premiership to the Close the Gap Issue, the largest Australian campaign to improve indigenous health. The NRL’s Close the Gap round last year reached over three million people with the message of health equality. This year the Close the Gap […] Read more »

Closing the Gap profile: Moss Vale High School

Oxfam volunteer Sarah Morris profiles Moss Vale High School, where students are preparing for National Close the Gap Day, one of the biggest days on their school calendar. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Oxfam welcomes Government’s commitment to new partnership to Close the Gap in Indigenous health

The Australian Government’s announcement that it will work in partnership with the new National Health Leadership Forum (NHLF) to achieve health equality for Indigenous peoples within a generation heralds the start of a new era in Indigenous health. Read more »

Closing the Gap with SWAMS, part 4: Clem

By turns an advocate between doctor and patient, a crusader against diabetes, and a contact point for the Indigenous community, Aboriginal health worker Clem Jetta tells us how he’s trying to Close the Gap. Read more »

Rugby League tackles Indigenous health crisis

When Jamie Soward became the first player to pass 200 points in last year’s NRL Premiership, he signalled a reminder of just how prominent Aboriginal players are in rugby league. Three of the top five point scorers in last year’s premiership are Aboriginal – Soward, Johnathan Thurston and Scott Prince. Although Aboriginal and Torres Strait […] Read more »

Oxfam attends the NRL “Close the Gap’ Round

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Our intern Georgina Askham reports on the recent Close the Gap NRL round between the Brisbane Broncos and the New Zealand Warriors. Read more »

The Close the Gap NRL round from the inside

Australia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, yet on average an Aboriginal child born today will still live for many years less than a non-Aboriginal child.Why is it important for rugby league to join the campaign to close this gap? It’s very, very important. A lot of people can look at third […] Read more »

Success stories from the frontline of Aboriginal health

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” Never has this old saying been more apt, as digital technologies enable us to tell stories in new and powerful ways. Recently, Oxfam Australia – in partnership with the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), the Victorian Department of Health, and a number of Victorian mainstream and […] Read more »
Image courtesy: Close the Gap coalition

Not just one day to Close the Gap

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Oxfam volunteer Tim Lay reports on National Close the Gap Day activities at the University of Sydney Read more »