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Photo: Jason Malouin/OXFAM AUS

Record National Close the Gap Day

A record 1289 community-led events were held across Australia on March 20th to celebrate National Close the Gap Day, attracting more than 150,000 people. To find out how you can show your continuing support for Indigenous health equality, read on. Read more »

Close the Gap with the “30 for 2030” Challenge!

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To close the gap in a generation, Indigenous health equality needs to be on top of the political agenda. By taking the 30 for 2030 challenge you’ll be joining thousands of others to remind the government of their commitments to Indigenous health. Read more »
Closing the gap in this generation

Closing the gap in a generation

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders can expect a shorter life expectancy and a decreased quality of life compared to non-Indigenous Australians. It’s a situation you would associate with an impoverished nation, but it is happening right here in our own backyard. You can contribute to a fairer, better Australia–one that says no to health inequality, injustice and discrimination. Read more »

Close the Gap Cycle

On November 26th, 3 Irish men will take part in a self generated challenge of cycling over 1200km from Melbourne to Sydney under 5 days, all in aid of the Close the Gap campaign. Eoghan Quinn moved to Melbourne two years ago working a number of renewable energy projects here in Australia has previously under […] Read more »

Ask about #CloseTheGap on tonight’s #QandA

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples die 10-17 years younger than non-Indigenous Australians. In 2008 federal, state and territory governments all committed to close the life expectancy gap by 2030. This is a long term target and we are just starting to see results. How will each party ensure continued bipartisanship on this critical issue, […] Read more »

Ian Thorpe asks Australian governments not to forget Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

The following letter from Ian Thorpe appeared in The Australian newspaper on Thursday 18th April 2013: Dear state, territory and federal government leaders, I got behind the Close the Gap campaign because I believed it’s totally unacceptable that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples die 10–17 years younger than non-Indigenous Australians. I believed that long-term commitments […] Read more »

Will COAG commit to Close the Gap?

Federal, state and territory governments must recommit to crucial Indigenous health funding at this Friday’s Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting, to ensure improvements in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health can continue. Continuing to fund the National Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Health should be on the agenda of this Friday’s COAG meeting, as it is […] Read more »
Close the Gap Day in Melbourne

Critical Close the Gap funding must be continued

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More than 140,000 people across Australia today will remind political leaders of their commitment to close the gap in health inequality, as critical Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health funding is due to expire. Today is the seventh annual National Close the Gap Day, with a record 950 community events in homes, schools, universities, workplaces, […] Read more »

Why it’s important that we Close the Gap

This time next week, thousands of people just like you will sit down with their friends, colleagues and neighbours for National Close the Gap Day. You may have already planned your own small get-together in your workplace or home – and your efforts will send a powerful message to government that the community wants on-going […] Read more »

Campaigning to Close the Gap at the NRL

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Last weekend, campaigners and volunteers hit footy grounds across the country to talk to fans about Indigenous health inequality, as part of the Close the Cap National Rugby League round. When I left home early on Saturday morning, I must admit to being slightly nervous about the reception we would receive. League fans are out to […] Read more »