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Beating COVID: how Aboriginal communities mobilised to fight the pandemic

When the threat of COVID-19 became fully apparent last year, First Peoples health organisations across Australia swung quickly into action to prevent devastating effects in their communities. Read more »

In their own words: Three inspiring young women tell us why we must #CloseTheGap

National Close the Gap Day is only a few days away on 15 March 2018. With International Women’s Day still fresh in our minds, we ask three inspiring young women to express in their own words why we must close the  gap in Indigenous health. Read more »

Warriappendi School and Lourdes Hill College help Close the Gap

In many ways, Warriappendi School in Adelaide and Lourdes Hill College in Brisbane are very different schools, located over 2000 kilometres away from each other. But they are united by a shared passion – to close the health gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Read more »

Paddling for men’s Indigenous health

After tackling his own mental health issues, Cormach Evans is now determined to improve the health and wellbeing of other Indigenous men in the Geelong community – through sport. Read more »
National Close the Gap participants hold a banner in support of Indigenous health equality

10 shameful facts that will make you want to Close the Gap

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are faced with disproportionate rates of preventable disease, injury and mental health challenges. It’s unacceptable. It’s time to Close the Gap! Read more »

Action starts with acknowledgement: Closing the Gap with Indigenous health education

Kelly Langford, an Indigenous medical student, witnessed the heartbreaking burden of diabetes in her community and was inspired to take action. Read more »
Tully Close the Gap

Schools in Action: Tully State School Close the Gap on Indigenous Health Inequality

Students at Tully State School in Northern Queensland were given ownership over their National Close the Gap Day event, and managed to grab the attention of their entire community. Read more »

Sol’s second chance

Sol Bellear, a Land Rights legend and a pioneer of Aboriginal media, sports legal and health services, says that nothing now matters as much to him as overcoming heart disease amongst Aboriginal men. Read more »

Trekking Larapinta to Close the Gap

For Geoffrey Leeson, his 120km treck along the Larapinta Trail was about much more than the physical challenge and taking in the beautiful scenery. It was for a cause very close to his heart. Read more »
A group of Indigenous Australians cheering

Australian students shine a light on Indigenous health equality

Oxfam’s Schools Program social media volunteer and guest blogger, Benjamin Clark, reveals the top entries from the 2016 Close the Gap Instagram challenge, all created by Australian students. Read more »