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Fancy yourself as a bit of a closet designer?

Our trusty friend the air conditioning unit can’t be the only solution to combating climate change. The stark truth is that climate change is happening now, and it’s making the world hot and hungry. Yes friends climate change has a direct effect on…Food glorious food. But we need decent weather to grow the stuff – […] Read more »
CAN members and allies including Friends of the Earth GCCA, Greenpeace, Oxfam and WWF, plus Japanese groups Kiko Network and CASA, call for world leaders to take action against climate change. Copyright ©Greenpeace/Jeremie Souteyrat

Five critical things we learned from the latest report on climate change

Leading international experts on climate change, the IPCC, have presented their latest report on the impacts of climate change on humanity and what we can do about it. It’s a lengthy report, so we’ve shrunk it down to Oxfam’s five key takeaways on climate change and hunger Read more »
Photo: Simon Roberts/Oxfam

Climate change is making people hungry

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Our guest blogger is Yeb Saño, Climate Change Commissioner for the Philippines. He’s seen first-hand the devastating effects of climate change: “Typhoon Haiyan devastated my country. Thousands of people perished and millions more lost their homes and livelihoods. My own family witnessed the storm up close. Today, millions of my people live in damaged homes and continue to rely on emergency relief to survive. “ Read more »

WA urges Australia to aim higher on climate change

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The senate inquiry into the government’s direct action plan on climate change is on at the moment.  The first hearing was held in Perth with local Oxfam supporters amongst 27 other groups calling for greater action. There has been no rain in Perth for more than two months; the onslaught of heat has been relentless. […] Read more »

A hotter world is a hungrier world

Climate change will leave families caught in a vicious spiral of falling incomes, rising food prices, and declining quality of food, leading to a devastating impact on the health of millions. Last September, the world’s scientists concluded with even greater confidence that climate change is happening and its impacts are set to worsen. This week, […] Read more »

Warsaw UN Climate Talks: leaders need to change direction for the climate

The latest round of UN discussions trying to solve the massive issue of climate change ended today. Sadly, this year’s negotiations, in Warsaw, Poland, were something of a farce with a number of developed nations, including Australia, failing to take the talks seriously. Read more »

National Day of Climate Action

We know that action to prevent further changes in our climate is central to food security around the world . Hunger caused by climate change is hitting poor communities in developing countries the hardest. Scientists overwhelmingly agree that extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense and that this change in our climate is […] Read more »

Overseas aid, climate change and Indigenous health should remain priorities for the government

Overseas aid, climate change and its impact on global hunger, and Indigenous health remain important issues after the Coalition’s election win. We are hoping that an Abbott government will work with us on these key issues to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people – both here in Australia and overseas. We […] Read more »

Climate Action in WA – Talk to Ten

Churches, Unions, Environmentalists and Humanitarian groups like Oxfam all seem to agree with one thing: action on climate change is urgent. In Western Australia Oxfam Australia has banded together with a range of other social justice and environmental groups to form the WA Civil Society Climate Round Table. The group exists to make our collective voice heard […] Read more »

Marshalling the Pacific Response to the Climate Challenge

In 2010 Oxfam visited Kiribati and Tuvalu to gather stories on climate change impacts in the Pacific. Next month all eyes will be turning to another low-lying country, the Marshall Islands, as they host the Pacific Island Forum. Spread across two remote chains of coral atolls near the equator, the Marshallese are among the most […] Read more »