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Could you make it as a farmer?

Families are leading the way to feed people and fight climate change

It’s 4am. You get up like any other morning with your young baby. Except today is different. Last night a freak storm flooded your fields and your crops are out of action. You don’t know how you will make a living or feed your family in the coming months. This is the reality that many […] Read more »
Photo: Oxfam AU

Eat Local Feed Global

Oxfam Australia is fortunate to have passionate and knowledgeable prominent Australians supporting our Eat Local Feed Global initiative this October. Met some of the celebrities who are helping to create a world free from hunger and inequality. Read more »
Photo: Tom Hartney

Outpouring of support for the People’s Climate March

For Oxfam, and for hundreds of millions of people around the world, climate change is about food. It is about the ability of communities to feed themselves. Put simply – a hot world is a hungry world. Extreme weather, unpredictable rains, and rising seas, are making it harder for people to grow and buy enough food to eat. Read more »
Photo: K is for kristina via photopin cc

Preparing your Eat Local Feed Global Menu

Eat Local Feed Global gets us to bring our mates together for lunch or dinner during the month of October to discuss how climate change is impacting world hunger. To hold your best ever Eat Local Feed Global event, check out Oxfam Shop for some extra special Fairtrade goodies. Read more »
Photo: Ainhoa Goma/OxfamAUS

Race to the climate summit

Climate change is the single biggest threat to winning the fight against hunger, and rich governments and the big food companies haven’t been doing enough to address it. Next week world leaders will meet in New York for an important summit on climate change. Please join millions of people around the world and take to the streets in support of action on climate change. Read more »

Growing food in a changing climate

In August, Shirley Laban (Oxfam) and Mala Silas (CARE International in Vanuatu), visited Australia to share their stories on how local communities are meeting the challenges of climate change. Read more »

Behind the Brands Update: General Mills; the making of a climate leader

After two months of campaigning, we are thrilled to announce that General Mills (the makers of Old El Paso and Latina past) who were once ranked last on climate change policies on our Behind the Brands scorecard has committed to become a true climate leader. How? By setting targets to reduce emissions, participate in real […] Read more »

Climate crunch time for Kellogg

Guest Blogger Elisa Riquier is an international intern doing a placement in the Perth Office. On World Environment Day, Oxfam supporters across the world undertook international action to tackle the biggest food companies for their impact on climate change and called on them to use their collective voices to call for stronger action on climate change. In Australia, […] Read more »

Take Action on Climate Change

By Clancy Moore – GROW Campaign  Coordinator When you think climate change, you might think of smoke stacks and coal mines or oceans dotted with oil platforms. You probably aren’t thinking “climate change” when you crunch on your bowl of Kellogg’s cornflakes in the morning. However, today on World Environment Day (5 June), it’s time […] Read more »

It’s crunch time for climate change

No company is too big to listen to its customers.  When enough of us speak out, companies listen. Last year more than 400,000 of you called on companies to do more for women in their supply chains. They listened. Then you spoke up about land grabs in companies’ supply chains. They listened. Now we need […] Read more »