Tag: climate change

India climate tribunal: people speak out for justice
India is a vast country. So vast that climate change is having very different effects in different parts of the country. But Oxfam India are acting to bring communities together to explore what the possibilities are for future action, leading the way for India and the world. Read more »

Campaigning in Sherwood Forest (well… Fremantle)
Lydia reflects on her time as an intern with Oxfam Australia, and the work she’s helped shape in promoting the Robin Hood Tax to the public, local MPs and the Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd. Read more »

Tracking Cancun for a safe Climate
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Cancun, Mexico is often associated with being a popular holiday location for fun seeking American students, yet for two weeks from November 29th, the coastal city will be host to the 2010 UN Climate Summit. We’re hoping that this will mean that there will be a little less tequila and more politically inspired discussion… Read more »

Mexico here we come
In the lead up to the UNFCCC in Cancun, Mexico the issue of climate change is not getting much media attention. With the first agreement period of the Kyoto Protocol due to run out in 2012 it is time that countries of the globe reach a new and binding agreement. Read more »

Rights and responsibilities of climate change
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Politicians love to talk about individual rights and responsibilities – you have the right to welfare if you need it – you have the responsibility to get a job if you can – is the general sentiment of modern Australian governments – and the vast majority of us would say fair enough. Read more »

Bangladesh climate hearing: the people speak out for justice
On November 8, 2010 Oxfam supported local partners to bring together communities from all over Bangladesh, along with climate and legal experts, to look at the impacts of climate change, with a focus on the coastal fishers’ community in the Bay of Bengal. Read more »

Guest Blog: Tuvalu demands real deal
Today, a guest post from the Australian Youth Climate Coalition on the people of Tuvalu, one of the most severely threatened small island nations that has already suffered painfully from increased cyclone severity today passionately demanded that a legally binding agreement be reached at Copenhagen. Read more »

As we go to Copenhagen
After months of anticipation, I am finally in Copenhagen. The question on everyone’s mind is: ‘will Copenhagen result in a fair ambitious and binding deal… or will it be a greenwash?’ Read more »