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King Tide in Tuvalu

In February 2011, award-winning photographer Rodney Dekker visited Tuvalu to record the impact of the king tides. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Put a Price on Pollution – Save the Humans

Last week in Perth Oxfam joined with other human rights and environmental groups to host a very successful climate change rally where we eclipsed the climate change sceptics rally (held the same day) both in number and logic. Read more »
Photo: Madeline Smith/Oxfam

Brisbane hearts warm to climate plight of people of the Pacific

By Oxfam Campaigns Brisbane intern Madeline Smith Climate change was a popular topic of conversation this past week at the Bleeding Heart Café Gallery in Brisbane. The gallery was the first in Queensland to host the remarkable photo exhibition ‘Land is Life’ by award winning photographer Rodney Dekker. A series of ‘Land is Life’ exhibitions […] Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Coastal erosion and polluted ground water on Tuvalu

The small and utterly remote island of Nukufetau, Tuvalu, is severely affected by coastal erosion and water scarcity. Many of the islanders can’t afford expensive rainwater tanks and are forced to drink polluted ground water. Read more »
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Fill the fund: Send your climate messages to the UN

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Last year the climate talks in Cancun saw the successful establishment of a global Climate Fund, one of our core campaigns asks last year. You can help make sure the Climate Fund is filled with cash so it can provide life-saving support to help the world’s poorest people fight the effects of climate change. Read more »
Photo: Ainhoa Goma/Oxfam

More on the global climate fund

If set up properly, the Climate Fund could deliver life-saving support to those who need it most. What is needed now is for nations to come together and ensure that the money is not taken away from aid budgets. Read more »
Image courtesy Google Maps

Climate action Sat 12 March Melbourne

Join environment and progressive groups from around Australia for a few hours this Saturday and stand up for our vision of a clean energy future and a safe climate for our kids. Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Tuvalu: the island being destroyed by climate change

Reverend Tafue Lasama writes in Crikey about the recent king tides to hit his home, and the impact of climate change on the people of Tuvalu. Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Mayor sees the bigger picture on climate change

Dr Brad Pettitt, electric bike rider, aid worker, professor of sustainability, and probably the coolest Mayor Fremantle ever had, is rolling up his trousers and helping Oxfam out yet again. Read more »

Tides of Resilience in Federation Square

Oxfam’s involvement in the Melbourne Sustainability Festival enabled thousands of people to truly understand the plight of people in Bangladesh as they struggle with the impacts of climate change, writes Liyan Gao Read more »