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Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Exploding myths about Australia’s carbon role

Everywhere you go, climate change and the Government’s proposal to put a price on carbon pollution is being talked about, however the conversation in Australia is laced with myths. Oxfam Executive Director Andrew Hewett busts a few of these myths. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Make your own submission to the carbon price legislation

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The Government have allowed a small window for community input into the Carbon Price legislative process, and we’ve put together a quick how-to on how to make your own submission. Read more »
Photo: cc licensed Alex Schlotzer

Stepping up! Australia, a price on pollution and you

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Since the government announced its plans to put a price on pollution it’s been hot a topic of discussion. Lots of people have an opinion – with some being more based on fact than others – and everyone has questions. Here’s a brief overview of the core elements and what Oxfam thinks of it. Read more »
Photo: Andy Hall/OxfamAUS

Is famine in East Africa linked to climate change?

The question says it all: what role does climate change have in the current East African drought and famine? While the answer isn’t definitive, certain signs cannot be ignored… Read more »
The price on carbon pollution explained in around 2 minutes.

A price on pollution in Australia: How will it work? Who will pay? Will it help protect our planet?

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The landslide of facts and figures, questions and retorts since the announcement of Australia’s plans to put a price on pollution has been immense. For many, this overwhelming – and often conflicting – information has resulted in a small amount of hope and a large serving of confusion. Read more »
Lighter Footprints

How to live well with a price on carbon

What does a carbon tax mean, why do we need one, and how can households reduce its impact? Find out at this public forum: How to live well with a price on carbon. Read more »
24 Hours of Reality - brought to you by The Climate Reality Project.

24 hours of reality

On September 14, a new project from Al Gore is attempting to create 24 hours of reality over climate change, worldwide. Read more »
Image courtesy Say yes

Carbon Pricing: Domestic legislation, global ramifications?

Watching Sunday’s announcement of the carbon price legislation, our Climate Tracker Clancy felt relieved that Australia is finally taking action on climate change. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Carbon price will help Australia catch up with international action

The Government’s proposed carbon price legislation, announced yesterday, is a good start to help Australia to catch up to international action on climate change. Read more »
Photo: Debbie Hunt/OxfamAUS

Europe looks set to adopt a Robin Hood Tax

A financial transaction tax is popular with European citizens, but the dividends must go towards fighting climate change and poverty – argues Richard Gower of Oxfam GB Read more »