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Help save lives from cholera today

Meet amazing Annie: she’s on a mission to save lives

Annie is a beacon of hope in her community in Zambia. She’s on a mission to empower and educate her friends and neighbours about the dangers of deadly cholera. Read more »
Melinda was diagnosed with cholera when she was eight months pregnant. Clean water and sanitation can help families in Zambia protect themselves from cholera.

Surviving cholera was an extra special Gift for Melinda

Melinda and her family live in a town called John Laing in Lusaka, Zambia. She was nearly nine months pregnant when she went to a local clinic, thinking she was in labour. Once they ran some tests on her, however, Melinda was told something no pregnant woman would ever want to hear. Read more »
Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

Behind the (prison) walls

Oxfam’s Caroline Gluck has documented plenty of examples of Oxfam’s hygiene promotion activities – in communities, schools and markets – but never in a prison. Until now… Read more »
Photo: Cinta Pluma/Oxfam

Cholera strikes Haiti again

In late May 2011, a new outbreak of cholera emerged in Haiti’s Carrefour area, south of Port-au-Prince. Oxfam is responding to the situation, coordinating our work with other agencies in the area. Read more »
Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam

Haiti: Oxfam trains camp residents to manage water delivery

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In the camps where Oxfam works in Port-au-Prince, displaced people are beginning to pay for their own water, an important step towards empowering them to take responsibility for the resource. Read more »
Photo: Carlos Cazalis/Oxfam

Thanks to prevention, fear of cholera is dissipating in Haiti

Since the first cases of cholera appeared in Haiti in October 2010, Oxfam has taken action to prevent it’s spread. We’ve reached more than 700,000 people with sanitation and hygiene promotion programs since. Sophie Martin Simpson, Oxfam’s Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in Haiti, explains what we and local communities have achieved. Read more »
Photo: Carlos Cazalis/Oxfam

New hygiene habits in Haiti offer a glimmer of hope

Promoting health and hygiene is a major challenge in Haiti. In addition to barriers such as inadequate sanitary conditions and limited access to clean water, popular beliefs are one the most difficult barriers to overcome. Read more »

Clean water in Haiti: cholera update

Our water engineers and program staff in Haiti are teaching people how to purify their water supplies to stop the spread of cholera. In this video, staff in the Artibonite region talk about the techniques they’re using, and demonstrate how they’re checking the purified water to make sure it’s safe to drink. Read more »

Haiti cholera outbreak – video update

Julie Schindall, Oxfam’s media officer in Haiti, discusses our public health work in response to the Cholera outbreak in Haiti. Read more »

Spreading the clean water message in PNG

In this short video, I talk to Krissy Nicholson, Oxfam’s Hygiene Promotion Coordinator, about our network of communty health promters in Papua New Guinea (PNG). These volunteers are helping Oxfam to spread the message about clean water and hygiene throughout their communities. Read more »