Tag: ChangeCourse

ChangeCourse participant Rhett Burraston is the NSW/ACT young achiever of the year
In 2012, Rhett Burraston was selected to participate in the ChangeCourse program — a program run by Oxfam that provides opportunities for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to proactively effect change within their communities. Today, Rhett runs an after-school sports program in his hometown of Airds, which works with Aboriginal kids over the long-term, ensuring they are happy, healthy and have goals for the future. Most recently he was awarded the NSW/ACT Young Achiever of the Year. Read more »

Indigenous Knowledge is Eternal
Lorna Schmider-Woodcock is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander woman from Brisbane. She currently lives in Canberra where she is an Indigenous cadet through the Australian Public Service Commission program at the National Museum of Australia. On December 10th and 11th, 2012, I attended the Indigenous Knowledge is Eternal: Knowledge and Culture Sharing in Indigenous […] Read more »