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Sustainable Change: Disaster Management

Disasters are happening everywhere, wreaking havoc across the globe. This week, I talked with San At about the impact of Oxfam’s disaster management program in Takeo province. Read more »

Less rain means less food

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The delay of wet season in rural Cambodia is agonising farmers, who can’t plant rice seedlings until there’s enough rain. The longer they’re forced to wait, the less food their families will have for the year ahead. Read more »

Passionate teachers bring opportunity

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I’ve been visiting Oxfam-built schools in remote areas of Stung Treng province. We went to monitor post-construction progress, while doing in-the-field media training. Inaccessible by car, arrival at the first school was a five hour, bumpy and muddy moto-ride deep into the jungle. Read more »

Cow banks: a long-term solution

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I’ve just returned from rural Takeo where I discovered what makes a cow bank work so well – and the long-reaching effects this simple solution can actually have. Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Unveiling hope

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It took a six-hour drive through rice fields and lush forests, a few 4wd tracks and a boat trip on the Mekong River, for my first chance to witness the impacts of Oxfam’s work in Kratie Province, rural Cambodia. Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

A bit about modern Cambodia

There are millions of things to write about modern Cambodia, so I’ll focus on a few key things that relate to Oxfam’s work. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAus

Volunteering with Oxfam in Cambodia

I’m Dustin (from Melbourne) and I’m in Cambodia, volunteering with Oxfam for 18 months through AusAID’s VIDA program. Read more »