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Photo: Patrick Brown/Oxfam America

Mechanical advantage: rice farming just got easier in Cambodia

A new weeding tool for Cambodian rice farmers combined with innovative growing techniques leads to harvests double in size. Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

WASH on film: getting started

It’s time to begin filming. It’s a long drive from Phnom Penh, especially with a flat tyre. But we got there and stuck in to a few days filming with local women, men and children from the village. Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

WASH on film: setting the scene

I’ve just returned from visiting tiny Pon Chea village where we began making our film about water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). It’s really removed and remote, and a difficult location because the people here are so poor. However, the potential for improving people’s lives is amazing and that’s why Oxfam is here. Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Filming in Cambodia

I’ve been working on the development of a film about water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in rural Cambodia. Over the next few weeks I’ll share my experiences about the process. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Cambodian workers sacked after asking for living wage

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More than 300 illegally dismissed Cambodian workers remain locked out of their workplaces despite official orders for their reinstatement. Read more »
Photo: Timothy Herbert/OxfamAUS

Rights for the hidden

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Home-based workers are the hidden seams of the garment sector; while these workers are largely invisible, many parts of the garment industry would not hold together without their contribution. Yet home-based workers are vulnerable to exploitation and economic insecurity. Read more »
Photo: istock

Cambodian labour activist arrested

There is increasing concern for the human rights of Cambodian labour activists following the recent arrest of Phnom Penh based union leader, Sous Chantha. Read more »

Fishing for a future

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These days community development is far more than just teaching a person to fish. In Cambodia it’s locally run fish ponds that are feeding families. Read more »

Pchum Ben Festival: Respecting ancestors

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This weekend is the conclusion of the Pchum Ben festival, a 15-day period of reflection, paying respect to your ancestors and giving offerings to monks. Read more »

Water filters: truly amazing

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Water filters have created a wave of excitement in Takeo Province, Cambodia. Part of a huge water-focused project supported by AusAID, the filters will be of most benefit to women and children. Read more »