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Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Banking on buffaloes: Met’s story

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Meet Yuh Met. An agricultural labourer and former soldier, Met (52) and his family live in Kandek village, Cambodia. They were among the first in their village to benefit from Oxfam’s buffalo bank program and, since receiving their gentle giant, they’ve gradually been able to turn their lives around. Before the buffalo Met will never […] Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Culture shock

First impressions Getting off the plane and walking through the electronic automated passport control is an apt introduction to Australia’s world of technology, order and ‘efficiencies.’ Meeting the folks and then emerging into the fresh, crisp Melbourne air is when the shock really kicks in; Australia is rich, very rich. New cars cruise along smooth, […] Read more »
Photo: John Sones/OxfamAUS

Clean water saves lives: Maree’s story

It’s easy to get caught up in the material anxieties of the holiday season. For a bit of perspective we bring you the story of Maree, a 23-year-old Cambodian woman living with her mother in the Takeo district of Cambodia. Maree doesn’t own any land, so she travels 90 km to Phnom Penh to work […] Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Reflections on Cambodia

Cambodia is typically understood through a narrative of civil war, devastation and poverty, but this fails to capture the modern dynamics of the country. The less prominent stories are of those driving change in the country towards a more equitable future. Committed, passionate people throughout the country are pushing for a new deal – the […] Read more »
Photo courtesy Labour behind the label

Behind the double digit profits: Adidas factory workers share their stories

A photo essay produced by Labour Behind the Label documents the everyday struggles of workers making adidas products at the Shen Zhou factory in Phnom Penh. The price of rice in Cambodia has doubled over the past five years but workers’ wages have not kept up with rising costs of living. Job security is poor—24-year-old […] Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Sustainable community development

The village situation Oxfam started work in the area around Chumrun village in 1997, when there were no other organisations working in area. It was challenging work – travel was arduous, sporadic fighting was still happening and many displaced communities were only just starting to rebuild. In Chumrun, the local irrigation system was destroyed and […] Read more »
Photo: John Sones/OxfamAUS

Clean water saves lives: Oeun’s story

Kut Oeun, a 35-year-old mother of four in rural Cambodia, is the face of our 2011 Water Appeal. But she’s more than just a face on a campaign. Oeun and her family spoke to Oxfam Australia at length about life in their village, particularly the struggles that come from having limited access to clean water. Read more »
Photo: John Sones/OxfamAUS

Since you asked

Often, stories about aid work raise as many questions as they answer. So this year we’re trying something new with our annual water appeal. In addition to giving you first-person accounts from the people we work with, we’re also introducing an interactive Q&A feature. Read more »

The highs and lows of aid work

I was recently on a trip with Barbara Stocking, the CEO of Oxfam Great Britain, who visited to see what was happening with Oxfam’s work in Cambodia. Travelling into the Northern provinces, we witnessed some highs and lows of development. Read more »

WASH on film: action

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After months of planning and organising, it was showtime for the WASH film, with an action-packed few days of filming. Read more »