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Photo: Oxfam

Building a safer Africa with the Arms Trade Treaty

Irresponsible and illegal arms deals continue to fuel conflict in Africa. But today is an important milestone in Oxfam’s campaign to control arms and save lives. Read more »
Photo: Jerry Galea/OxfamAUS

Gender, arms and security in the Pacific

Today marks 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. The new report “Arms, Security and Gender in the Pacific” by Pacific Small Arms Action Group, makes eight key policy recommendations to help Pacific Island governments effectively integrate gender into policy and practice on arms and security. Read more »
Samoa, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Jamaica, Luxembourg, Burkina Faso, Belgium, Australia, and Austria Ratify the Arms Trade Treaty. Photo Credit: Champion Hamilton/Champion Eye Media/Control Arms.

Australia ratifies historic Arms Trade Treaty: Now let’s ensure it makes a difference

Australia’s ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty should be celebrated. In this blog, Oxfam Australia’s Humanitarian Advocacy Coordinator, Ben Murphy, outlines the next steps for Australia to help end illicit arms deals that fuel conflicts in places like Syria and South Sudan. Read more »

Arms trade treaty may point a way forward for the U.N.

For years governments told us in meetings that an Arms Trade Treaty was a fanciful idea – merely a twinkle in our campaigning eye. But earlier this month an Arms Trade Treaty was adopted by an overwhelming majority at the United Nations General Assembly. Thanks to the democratic process, international law will for the first […] Read more »
Control Arms

Arms Trade Treaty a victory for victims of armed violence

Today at the United Nations in New York, we have been part of making history. 155 governments including Australia have just voted yes to a ground-breaking Arms Trade Treaty to curb the irresponsible arms trade that every day claims 1,500 lives. The global agreement on this treaty has finally sent a clear signal to gunrunners […] Read more »

History made as Arms Trade Treaty agreed

On 2 April 2013, history was made as the Arms Trade Treaty – the first agreement to control global arms sales – received an overwhelming ‘yes’ vote at the United Nations in New York. This momentous Treaty is the culmination of more than ten years of campaigning to rein in the irresponsible trade in arms […] Read more »

#VoteYes on #ArmsTreaty tomorrow

Tomorrow we are hoping to make history. After 10 years of campaigning for a legally binding Arms Trade Treaty that works to curb the irresponsible weapons trade, world governments will finally vote on the treaty text in the UN General Assembly in less than 12 hours. Over the past two weeks, Oxfam campaigners have been […] Read more »

Oxfam’s latest efforts to push for strong Arms Trade Treaty – New York

On the penultimate day of the ATT negotiations we got the media’s attention early morning with a helicopter assembled on a New York rooftop, with the UN in the background. Monday started with a press conference, where it was made clear to the world that the text on the table was not something that was going […] Read more »

Another day at the office, pushing for a global Arms Trade Treaty

“What do you actually do all day over there?” That’s a question a friend back home skyped me on Wednesday. I’ve been working on the Arms Trade Treaty for a long time now, and spent a lot of time at the various UN meetings. But what actually happens? What do we do all day? I thought I’d […] Read more »
Arms collection

Arms Trade Treaty finally in reach

For more than a decade, millions of people across the globe have campaigned for a global treaty to bring the poorly regulated international arms trade under control. This goal is now in reach. Read more »