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In northern Ethiopia, weather insurance protects against drought

In Adi Ha, northern Ethiopia, a growing number of farmers now have a means of managing some of the region’s unpredictability: weather insurance for their crops. Read more »

Dadaab: a crack in the sky

Nicole Johnston from Oxfam Great Britain is unexpectantly buoyed by the incredible energy that is generated by the half a million people living in Dadaab, the world’s biggest refugee camp. Read more »

All hands to the pump

It’s a race against time to get water equipment constructed before refugees arrive in a new camp near Dolo Ad, a village in the far south of Ethiopia, not far from the Somali border. Read more »

Habibo’s story

As famine creeps across southern Somalia, the Bay region is the latest area to be affected. Habibo, a widowed mother of three, fled the area after losing all her livestock to drought. She now lives in Mogadishu’s crowded Badbado camp. Read more »

3things 4 Africa and humanity

Our 3things youth project looks at the East Africa crisis and Sydney University’s Humanitarian Week. Plus some clothes-swapping for a good cause! What 3 things can you do to change the world? Read more »

Cleaning to a new beat

A whole lot of shaking going on: in her latest dispatch from East Africa, Oxfam Australia’s Chee Chee Leung describes the unique method refugees in Dadaab use to keep their jerry cans clean… Read more »

Praying for paradise

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Heralding the end of Ramadan, the Eid Al Fitr holiday is usually a time of celebration for Muslims. For those in the Dadaab refugee complex, however, it’s just another day spent praying for survival. Oxfam Australia’s Chee Chee Leung reports. Read more »

What do our students know about the famine in the Horn of Africa?

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Ideas to motivate your students to better understand the famine in the Horn of Africa and how they can contribute to a world without hunger. Read more »

With drought and famine weakening Somalia, community care improves childrens’ health

Launched with a local Somali partner in 2009, Oxfam’s innovative community care program to address malnutrition in Mogadishu has reached 136,000 children. This is the story of one of these children, Mohamed, who recovered from severe illness and malnutrition. Read more »

A photo story from Turkana

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Five years without decent rain has left the northern Kenyan region of Turkana parched and in desperate need of aid. These photos, by Intermón Oxfam’s Irina Fuhrmann, paint a stark picture. Read more »