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Photo: Geno Teofilo/Oxfam

Survival and triplets in the midst of famine

In the midst of famine, Somali children survive with the help of Oxfam partner SAACID, whose community therapeutic care centres across Mogadishu are admitting more than 3,000 malnourished children every week. Read more »
Balcha with her family

Nine hectares of hope: irrigation in Ethiopia

New agricultural know-how and a sense of community have turned Ethiopian widow Balcha’s life around. Despair has been replaced by hope and an unfamiliar sense of possibility… Read more »

Providing free health care in Mogadishu

21-year-old Maryana, a nurse for one of Oxfam’s Somali partners, works at an emergency therapeutic centre in Mogadishu. Here she talks about the many challenges she faces in providing free health care to thousands of malnourished children. Read more »
Photo: WASDA

Somalia famine hits farmers hard – but Oxfam project brings hope for the next harvest

Agricultural communities in southern Somalia – the country’s grain basket – are being severely affected by the current drought, which has resulted in widespread failure of crops. But an Oxfam project is helping farmers get through this difficult time and providing hope for a better harvest in January. Read more »

Scarlett Johansson’s video report from Dadaab (Day 2)

By Scarlett Johansson, Oxfam Ambassador. Originally published in the Huffington Post In the Turkana region of Northern Kenya, there is some sign of hope. The area is home to herders and most communities are devastated by the loss of their livestock (goats, sheep, cattle) which once provided a source of food and income. However, some […] Read more »

“We walked with our children on our backs”

An estimated 1.8 million women, men, and children in Somalia have been driven from their homes by the combination of famine and conflict. Since early August, Oxfam has provided clean water and sanitation for an estimated 11,000 Somali refugees in Hilaweyn camp, in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia. Three refugees in the camp share their stories: Read more »

Between a rock and a hard place

Around 1,000 Somali refugees arrive each day at the Hiloweyn camp, in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia, just a few kilometres from the Somali border. It’s a race against time to install water tanks and tap stands so people can access water as the camp swells in size. Read more »

This October, why not GROW with us?

With the current food crisis unfolding in East Africa, Oxfam is declaring Oct 15-22 as GROW Week – and we’re inviting you to host your own event to raise awareness and much-needed funds. Our volunteer Larissa explains… Read more »

Smiles in Dadaab

Chee Chee Leung visited Dadaab, expecting the world’s largest refugee camp to be a site brimming over with sadness, sickness and despair. Instead she was surprised to find plenty of smiles. Read more »

Waiting for water

Carly Sheehan travels to the village of Dillo in Ethiopia, where Oxfam is currently reaching over 8,500 people with clean water. Read more »