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Support the Sahel region of West Africa

In the Sahel region of West Africa, an estimated 18.7 million people are currently experiencing severe food shortages, with more than 1 million children at risk of acute malnutrition. This emergency has been building since early 2012. Low rainfall and water shortages, poor harvests and sky-rocketing food prices (expected to keep rising until the end […] Read more »
Medina washes clothes outside her makeshift shelter at the camp. Photo: HIJRA

What a difference a jerry can makes

A year since famine was declared in parts of Somalia, we bring you this good-news story about how the humble jerry can is making a huge difference in Mogadishu IDP camps. Read more »
Photo: Kieran Doherty/Oxfam

“Water is life for the world” — East Africa one year later

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A year since we launched our East Africa appeal, we bring you this incredible video and accompanying photos capturing a Turkana community’s delight as Oxfam builds them a borehole, bringing desperately needed fresh water to the village. Thank you to everyone who supported the appeal – your generosity helps change lives. Read more »

A day out at Mogadishu beach

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While the situation remains very fragile in Mogadishu, residents are beginning to enjoy a taste of normal life – such as going to the beach for a swim. But there’s still a long way to go for Somalia and its people… Read more »

Somali voices

In the lead-up to this week’s international conference on the future of Somalia, we asked five ordinary Somalis what they hoped would come out of the talks. Their responses were both thoughtful and thought-provoking. Read more »
Photo: Alejandro Chaskielberg/Oxfam

Turkana by Night: dreams of past and future in Kenya

Alejandro Chaskielberg travelled to Turkana, Kenya with Oxfam to take photographs using moonlight supplemented with artificial lighting, showing snapshots of everyday life. While he was there, he met Peter Abwell, a former pastoralist who became a fisherman before starting his own business. Peter’s shop is bustling with activity when we arrive. Clearly a central hub […] Read more »
Footballers Armand Traore and Moussa Sow. Photo: Oxfam

African Nations Cup stars join Oxfam to win match against hunger

Last week Oxfam, together with Save the Children, launched a new report called A Dangerous Delay, which found that the international community responded too late to the current Horn of Africa food crisis. Thousands of lives were lost as a result. The report calls for much earlier action to prevent such crises from happening, rather […] Read more »

East Africa: 6 months on

Thank you In 2011, prolonged drought, poverty and conflict meant that parts of East Africa were facing the worst food crisis of the 21st century. It’s estimated that 12 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance. Your generous support during this crisis has allowed Oxfam to reach 2.8 million people with humanitarian aid in […] Read more »

A new way of life in Ethiopia

Imagine if the lifestyle your family had led for generations was on the verge of extinction. Would you cling determinedly to the old ways or would you bite the bullet and make whatever changes were necessary to survive? Herding families in the southern Ethiopian village of Melka Guba were forced to make this decision. Years […] Read more »
Photo: Caroline Berger/Oxfam

“City of hope”: Reflections from Somaliland

By Caroline Berger, Oxfam Great Britain’s Regional and Information Communications Officer for the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the CIS Like many people, my impression of Somalia is coloured by the familiar TV images of a lawless land governed by conflict, piracy and bloodshed. With this in mind I was a little apprehensive to visit […] Read more »