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Melbourne Trailwalker 2023. Teams get ready to start the 100km trail. Photo: Sam Biddle/Oxfam

This is what our supporters helped achieve in 2023

As we go into 2024, we wanted to give a warm thank you to the supporters who donated their time, money and energy in 2023 to help tackle the inequalities that fuel poverty.  In the past 12 months our supporters, alongside the partners who help deliver our projects, the community groups they work with and […] Read more »
Canberra, Australia: Leanne Sanders pictured at Parliament House during the 2022 Straight Talk National Summit. Photo: Jillian Mundy/Oxfam

Visualising a brighter way for young Aboriginal women

The oldest living culture in the world is embracing 21st century technology to keep young people connected to their communities and culture, thanks to a woman with big dreams and an even bigger vision.    Leanne Sanders, a proud Kamilaroi, Tati Tati, Wadi Wadi and Mutti Mutti woman, has dedicated years to building Visual Dreaming, a […] Read more »

A commitment to First Nations women

Oxfam has a history of working with First Peoples in the Kimberley region over a number of decades. In 1980, Oxfam supported Traditional Owners in their fight for land rights during the Nookanbah dispute when the Western Australia Government approved drilling for oil on their sacred lands. In 2020 and 2021, Oxfam partnered with the […] Read more »
Canberra, ACT. Oxfam Australia Intern Fazal at Parliament House.

Intern spotlight: Fazal Ullah –Straight Talk Political Engagement Internship

Fazal Ullah is currently completing an internship placement at Oxfam Australia, working alongside the First Peoples Program on Oxfam’s recent Straight Talk Summit. As part of his placement, Fazal recently went to Canberra to assist the team with the National Summit. Read more »
Members of the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Cultural Fishing, together with Traditional Owners, at Mystery Bay, NSW, on the morning of the hearing in Narooma in July 2022

Cultural fishing: Rights to an ancient practice left unprotected

Testimony by South Coast Aboriginal people has spelled out the cost to their communities from the refusal of successive governments to legislate cultural fishing rights. Read more »
Naidoc Week 2022 Oxfam's History Working with First Peoples

Celebrate NAIDOC Week with Us

The first week of July marks the start of NAIDOC Week, where we celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week isn’t just for Indigenous communities, it’s also an opportunity for all Australians to come together to celebrate one of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. After […] Read more »
The Ripple Effect

From little things big things grow

We’re thrilled to learn that the film The Ripple Effect has picked up a major award at the Sport Australia Media Awards. Read more »
The traditional connection to land and waters is inextricably linked to the identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Time to respect First Peoples’ traditional fishing rights

Aboriginal communities along the South Coast of NSW face constant surveillance, harassment and prosecution for carrying out their ancient fishing traditions. Read more »

Beating COVID: how Aboriginal communities mobilised to fight the pandemic

When the threat of COVID-19 became fully apparent last year, First Peoples health organisations across Australia swung quickly into action to prevent devastating effects in their communities. Read more »
brooke odonnell kalamunda reconciliation plan straight talk

A career high at the summit​

Finding herself in need of inspiration and direction, proud Palyku woman, Brook O’Donnell signed up for Oxfam’s Straight Talk Summit. She returned with that, and so much more. Read more »