Monitoring development in the Mekong
Too often decisions around large-scale development are made without consulting the communities that will be affected.
Development poses very real threats to the health of the river and the lives of the people who depend on it.
The World Commission on Dams (WCD) is a global multi-stakeholder process enacted to ensure that the needs of the communities affected by any development would be fairly considered. The WCD sets out a clear and comprehensive process that considers the rights and risks involved and guidelines for good practice.
We welcome the WCD’s process and believe that it clears the way for better development outcomes for rivers and the people that depend on them.
Save the Mekong coalition
Oxfam is part the Save the Mekong Coalition, a network of non-government organisations, local people, academics, people from within the Mekong communities and other supporters. Members all share a concern for the future of the Mekong River and are working together so that their voices are heard within the region and around the globe.