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Scrap the unfair stage-three tax cuts!

Make tax fair. Make corporations pay their fair share.

While everyday Australians face a cost-of-living crisis, big corporations and their billionaire shareholders are capitalising on crisis. It’s time to end the inequality! Join us in calling on the government to tax big corporations fairly.

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Join us in calling on the government to Make Tax Fair:

Big corporations are making huge profits, while Aussie’s face a cost-of-living crisis

Oxfam research shows the top 500 Australian corporations raked in $98 billion off the back of the COVID-19 crisis and Russia’s war on Ukraine, and in some cases by price gouging.

While everyday Australians face a cost-of-living crisis, big corporations and their billionaire shareholders are capitalising on crisis.

In Australia, the richest 10% of households hold 44% of all wealth, while more than 3.3 million people live in poverty.

The inequality gap is widening but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Oxfam’s Cashing in on Crisis report finds that if we taxed these big corporations’ crisis profits, we could have raised $88 billion dollars between 2021-23.

$88 billion could’ve really helped Australians.

This money could have been spent supporting Australians to cope with the COVID-19 crisis and struggling through the cost-of-living crisis.

80% of Australians believe it is not fair to allow tax loopholes for big corporations.

Join us in demanding the government tax corporate crisis profits to reduce inequality and poverty.

Let’s make tax fair

Please sign our petition calling on the government to introduce a crisis profits tax on big corporations.


Corporate profits and inequality are skyrocketing around the world  

Today there are big corporations making billions of dollars, and some even pay little or no income tax in Australia despite this. A crisis profits tax would give more money back to the community.    

Global research by Oxfam found that by capitalising on the crises, the world’s 148 biggest corporations recorded additional profits of USD $1.15 trillion in 2020 and 2021, compared to the pre-pandemic period – an increase of 68.5%.  

These corporations are worth $15 trillion, equivalent to more than the combined GDPs of all countries in Africa and Latin America.  

Meanwhile, 5 billion people were made poorer by corporations capitalising on the pandemic, Russian war on Ukraine and cost of living crisis. 

Big corporations are at the heart of our inequality problem, whether it be through price gouging practices, market concentration, low wages, tax minimisation, or driving increased inflation through their super profits. It’s only fair that they are also at the core of the solution. 

That’s why we need a crisis profits tax that would ensure that no company can profit excessively from a period of immense economic and human suffering and increase the amount of money available for growing essential public services that reduce inequality and alleviate poverty.  

Join us in calling for a corporate crisis profits tax. 


What is a crisis profits tax? 

A crisis profit tax is a tax on the additional windfall profits of big corporations made due to external circumstances or events, like a war or a pandemic. They discourage profiteering and are a fair way of restoring money to the community.

The money from these corporate taxes can be used to help tackle widening inequality and improve essential public services that benefit everyone equally 

Are crisis profit taxes a new idea? 

Crisis profits taxes have been used since at least the 1900s. They have been used prominently in the UK, US and across Europe to rebuild after conflict and tackle company profiteering. Today, many European countries have crisis profit taxes in place, particularly on fossil fuel industries. 

How did you calculate the financial benefit of a crisis profits tax in Australia? 

Oxfam research estimates that a 90% tax on the crisis profits of Australia’s top 500 companies would have generated $88 billion between 2021 and 2023, which could have been used to tackle inequality and poverty.  
This 90% tax is applied only on the excess ‘crisis’ profits, which are profits that are 20% above the average for the prior four fiscal years. This is the same methodology for calculating excess profits seen in the ‘EU Solidarity Contribution’, a windfall profits tax that was widely applied in EU countries in response to the corporate profit spike between 2020-2023. Across the EU, different tax rates were applied to excess profits in different sectors. 

What is the company tax rate In Australia?

Companies in Australia are subject to a federal tax rate of 30% on their taxable income or 25% if they are a base rate entities. Australian companies only have to pay tax on profits made in Australia (active and passive) and on foreign passive profits. 

What can be done to ensure multinationals are paying their fair share?

Firstly, we must require multi-national corporations to provide public information on their business operations, including revenue, profits and taxes paid in each country they operate in (called public country-by-country reporting). This transparency exposes when companies are profit shifting to avoid paying tax and acts as a disincentive to do so, as they can be publicly named and shamed. 
Secondly, we need global agreement on minimum corporate tax rates. Currently, countries globally have agreed to a 15% minimum rate but there are many loopholes that mean corporations can still pay far less. Economic experts are now advocating for a 25% minimum corporate tax rate to be implemented by countries globally, with no loopholes for tax avoidance. 
Thirdly, Australia can individually introduce stronger taxes on corporations and close the loopholes. For example, the Australian Government introduced the ‘Petroleum Resource Rent Tax’ (PRRT), a 40% tax rate on profits of offshore oil and gas mining projects to ensure these corporations pay their fair share of tax. Unfortunately, they caved to industry pressure and made so many loophole concessions, that the PRRT is raising very little money. If the Australian government removed these loopholes, it would raise many billions of dollars annually. 

Our campaigns

Bill the billionaires.

Bill the billionaires. Fight inequality.

A wealth tax on Australia’s richest would generate $32 billion annually. This would help balance the scales on inequality and ensure there is money in the budget for essential services, and to eradicate poverty.

Learn More
Make tax fair.

Make Tax Fair

Today, more big corporations and billionaires than ever are raking in super profits, while hundreds of millions of people globally go hungry and everyday Australians are struggling with rising costs. It’s time to ensure big corporations and billionaires pay their fair share of tax. 

Learn More
Make Rich Polluters Pay

Make rich polluters pay

Big energy corporations and billionaires are most responsible for the climate crisis. It’s time to tax rich polluters, end fossil fuel subsidies and use the funds to support communities already experiencing the destructive impacts of climate change.

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Make corporations pay their fair share

Today, more big corporations and billionaires than ever are raking in super profits, while everyday Australians struggle with a cost of living crisis. Join us in calling on the government to tax big corporations and billionaires fairly.

Sign the petition