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Help Omar Today

Make a donation today to provide life-saving food and clean water to families displaced by conflict

Right now, families like Omar’s depend on aid to survive

Omar was born the year conflict in Yemen began. When Omar*’s siblings were growing up, their family lived in a house surrounded by crops to eat, doctors to treat sickness and a stable community. They were safe. But that all changed in 2015, the year conflict broke out in Yemen — and the year Omar was born.

Omar has only ever known war and displacement. Salem*, Omar’s father, has had to move his young family four times since the war began, trying to keep them safe. They now live in a camp for people displaced by conflict, where conditions are dire. Vicious storms tear apart their tents. There isn’t enough food to feed everyone or clean water to keep families safe from disease.

I live with fear about my family and my family sleep and wake up frightened…
I wish they have a better life not the life we live together now…
I feel sad when I can’t provide what they need.
Salem, Omar’s father

By becoming a regular donor, you can help provide families like Omar’s with the food, water and supplies their need to survive in the face of conflict. Will you help?

Families like Omar’s urgently need your help

By joining a group of committed supporters and giving a regular donation to Oxfam, you can help deliver life-saving food and clean water now, and help parents give their children a better future.

You can help save lives today

Please join Oxfam with a regular donation and help us to provide urgent help to families like Omar’s.

Even people who escape the missiles and bullets face a daily struggle to survive in the face of disease and destitution. Yemenis have suffered for six long years – it is time for the world to say, enough.

Muhsin Siddiquey, Oxfam’s Country Director, Yemen

Why make a regular donation to Oxfam

With over 70 years of experience, Oxfam has been working with local partners and communities to provide immediate and long-term solutions that help people lift themselves out of poverty. From 2022-2023, Oxfam reached 15.5 million people across 80 countries around the world, all made possible with the support of people like you.

Oxfam’s experience means we ensure communities are actively involved in the support we provide. We ensure communities survive today with safe, clean water, cash and food and prepare for tomorrow by getting water systems in Yemen working again.

Why regular donations are better for everyone

Make a lasting difference

Donations go to work straight away, helping people in times of crisis but also for the long term.

Gain financial independence

Stay in control

Giving regularly is easy and convenient, and you can pause or cancel your donation any time. 

• Challenge the patriarchal attitudes that drive abuse and keep women living in poverty

Join a community 

You’ll be part of a global movement of people working hard to tackle poverty and the injustices that cause it.

“I don’t want to live in this place, I just want to go back home” – Omar

How you could make a difference with a regular donation

Join Oxfam today so that together we can continue to help families like Omar’s.

$15 a month

could help to feed families struggling to survive with a food parcel or cash to purchase their own food

Become a Regular Donor
Filling jerry cans with water from the desalination plant in Yemen. Photo: Pablo Tosco

$25 a month

could provide clean, safe drinking water for displaced families that don’t have access to running water

Become a Regular Donor
Woman with hygiene kit during distribution in Mahwa Almarkazi. Photo: Wael Algadi/Oxfam

$35 a month

could help provide hygiene kits to keep families safe from disease and protect them into the future

Become a Regular Donor

*Names changed to protect identity


What is a regular donation?

A regular monthly donation is a way of supporting people living in poverty, not just for the short term but also for the future. Only with the help of our regular supporters can Oxfam make a sustainable difference in communities around the world and end the inequalities that keep them in poverty.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Regular donors will receive a consolidated tax receipt at the end of the Australian financial year (July). Once of donations will receive their tax receipt via email immediately after their donation. For more information, head to our tax deductible donations page.

When will my donation be debited each month?

Each month we will debit your credit card or bank account with your donation. These debits will take place on the 10th of each month or the next business day following a weekend or public holiday.

Where does the money go?

Your donation goes wherever the need is greatest and will support a range of Oxfam programs around the world. For a detailed breakdown of where your donations are used, please see where the money goes.

How do I cancel or pause my donation?

For any changes to your monthly donation you can call our Supporter Services Team on 1800 088 110 or email

Do you have any more questions?

Please contact our friendly team on or 1800 088 110.