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Wording for your Will

Below is the most effective wording to include a gift to Oxfam Australia in your Will. Please take this with you when you visit your solicitor.

“I give, free of all duties and taxes *____ to Oxfam Australia (ABN 18 055 208 636) of 132 Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053 for its general purposes. An authorised receipt from Oxfam Australia will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”

*insert either:

  • The whole (or …%) of the residue of my estate.
  • The whole (or … %) of my estate.
  • The sum of $ (amount).
  • (Details of a particular asset — such as shares or property).

If you would like your bequest to go towards a specific area of our work, please call us on 1800 088 110 before you see your solicitor.

We’d love to hear if you’ve chosen to include us in your Will — but you don’t have to tell us. If you do choose to let us know, we’d really just like to say thank you.