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Balaka district, Malawi: Angela writes her name on the classroom blackboard at a primary school in Balaka district, Malawi. Photo credit: Veronica Mwale/Oxfam in Southern Africa

Transforming education, transforming lives in Southern Africa

Every child deserves to go to school. But right now, too many girls across Malawi and Zimbabwe are facing barriers that halt their education. These barriers include discrimination, poverty, child marriage, gender-based violence and an unfair share of unpaid care and domestic work.   If a girl can finish her education, she’s more likely to grow […] Read more »

Youth voices from 15 years of the Gaza blockade

2022 marks 15 years of the Gaza blockade, which continues to prevent young people from achieving their dreams and living full lives. Read more »
Oxfam staff protesting in Melbourne with big smiles and colourful signs.

Our 10 favourite #ClimateStrike protest signs

From clever and hopeful, to the funny and angry, our favourite signs from the #ClimateStrike Read more »

Cycling with Grace in Malawi

We know that education gives young people a path out of poverty. But the pathway to education is, quite literally, long and bumpy in Southern Malawi. So we’re breaking the cycle of poverty with… well, with cycles. Read more »

Poster design to change the world

The Oxfam Schools Program has released a new, interactive, online and free educational resource, which explores the power of posters to change the world. Read the inside story behind the illustrator and design. Read more »
Tully Close the Gap

Schools in Action: Tully State School Close the Gap on Indigenous Health Inequality

Students at Tully State School in Northern Queensland were given ownership over their National Close the Gap Day event, and managed to grab the attention of their entire community. Read more »

Being a young Aboriginal woman in Australia today

Close the Gap campaign lead, Tom Widdup, finds out how — despite continued high levels of Indigenous disadvantage, and a disconnect that still hinders relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia — Danielle and many young Indigenous Australians like her are working to overcome these barriers. Read more »

How can students ‘take action’?

You and your students are fired up about an issue — global poverty, Indigenous rights and equality, ethical fashion, the broken food system — whatever it is that’s got you going. But how do you translate that passion into action? Read more »
Close the Gap School Instagram Competition. Photo: Peter Izzard/OxfamAUS

Can one student’s Instagram post change the world?

In its second year, the Close the Gap Instagram competition received more than 140 entries from across the nation. And when you hear the stories of our winners, it’s clear the challenge is much more than mucking around on social media, or even being heard on issues of national importance. Read more »

10 photos that rocked last year’s Close the Gap student photo challenge

Instagram may have a reputation as a breeding ground for selfies and photos of brunch, but in March there’s a reason to put those filters to good use. This year’s Student Photo Challenge is running from March 16-20. More details are available in the National Close the Gap Day How to Guide. Read more »