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Photo: Rodrigo Ordonez/Oxfam

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 3

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now Oxfam Australia’s Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 So what have I learnt so far in Jakarta? Surprise, surprise: there is no one solution […] Read more »

Women leading change

On the weekend I was lucky enough to spend an inspiring afternoon with an impressive cohort of women from some of Melbourne’s migrant and diaspora communities. They came from far-flung places like Afghanistan, South Sudan, Liberia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Israel and Iran – and they were meeting to share experiences and views on the role of […] Read more »

Seeds in women’s hands

Seeds are the first link in the food chain. Yet women seed breeders are invisible in the industrial model of food production and in intellectual property regimes. The roots of food and gender justice lie in keeping seeds in women’s hands and recognizing women’s knowledge of biodiversity. Health and nutrition begin with food, and food […] Read more »
Folders of interviewees at the RSS office, South Africa. Photo: Matthew Willman/OxfamAUS

Keeping them safe: building a community

In part 2 of her interview, Yasmin tells us more about RSS’s work with refugee women, supporting them as they rebuild their confidence and find a place in their new communities. Read more »
Kids absorbed in their colouring-in class at a home-based childcare centre, Durban. Photo: Gcina Ndwalane/OxfamAUS

Keeping them safe: how home crèches help

So where did this genius idea to train refugee women in South Africa to run their own home-based creches come about? Oxfam partner Refugee Social Services. In this blog post, their director tells the story. Read more »
Photo: Holly Pickett/Oxfam

West Africa food crisis: a powerful bond

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Oxfam America’s Elizabeth Stevens and Holly Pickett noticed a powerful force at work in this emergency when they were in Senegal recently: the bond between mothers and children. Read more »
Rekha Chandrakant Khandagale at work. Photo: Bipasha Majumder/OxfamIndia

A better life for Pune waste pickers

Collecting other people’s rubbish and selling it for recycling is a way of life for many women in the Indian city of Pune. Rekha’s story reveals the immense challenges Pune’s waste pickers face on a daily basis – and how they’re fighting to improve their lives. Read more »

First national conference on women’s rights to land in Sierra Leone

by Oxfam intern Jarrod Strauch Sierra Leone has held its first ever national conference on women’s property and land rights, bringing together over 160 participants to develop new strategies in fighting the denial of basic rights to Sierra Leone’s women. The conference, held between 6-8 June at the YWCA of Sierra Leone, brought together 100 […] Read more »

Challenging the Hunger Myths

Almost one billion people on our planet go to bed hungry every night. That’s close to one in every seven people, all around the world – but why does so much hunger exist in a world where others have plenty? Read more »
Sundaradevi holds two of her chickens. Photo: Tom Greenwood/OxfamAUS

Stopping hunger in Sri Lanka: Sundaradevi’s story (part 2)

She survived the floods and stayed strong when her husband left her. She got her land back after her father-in-law mortgaged it, and now she provides for her family by growing SRI rice and breeding chickens. Little wonder that Sundaradevi feels “both strong and confident” these days. Interview by Marion Reid Can you describe your […] Read more »