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Local community recognises the Deadly smiles project

Oxfam recently partnered with the Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service (AWAHS) to deliver the ‘Deadly Smiles’ project, a project dedicated to improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Hear from the Project Lead, Dr Dumi Medago, who recently received an Appreciation Award from the local community. Read more »
Straight Talk

Straight Talk program empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women

Engaging with the political system can be daunting for most people, but with the help of Oxfam’s Straight Talk program, Aboriginal women like Mayatili Marika are finding their voice and making an impact. Read more »
Photo: Anna Zhu/OxfamAU

ChangeCourse participant Rhett Burraston is the NSW/ACT young achiever of the year

In 2012, Rhett Burraston was selected to participate in the ChangeCourse program — a program run by Oxfam that provides opportunities for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to proactively effect change within their communities. Today, Rhett runs an after-school sports program in his hometown of Airds, which works with Aboriginal kids over the long-term, ensuring they are happy, healthy and have goals for the future. Most recently he was awarded the NSW/ACT Young Achiever of the Year. Read more »
Lilia Malinao, 72 years old. Photo: Tessa Bunney/Oxfam

Lilia is prepared for the worst

Vulnerable communities in The Philippines are struggling to cope with increasingly unpredictable and extreme weather. But, thanks to your support, women like Lilia (pictured) can have an amazing impact. Read more »
Photo: Jim Holmes/Oxfam

Indian Ocean Tsunami, 10 years on: how life goes on in Aceh

10 years ago, the Indian Ocean Tsunami shocked the world — 230,000 people lost their lives and 1.7 million were displaced. It remains Oxfam’s largest humanitarian response to date, helping around 2.5 million people between 2004 and 2009. Rahmat and Arie were children when the tsunami devastated Indonesia’s Aceh province. They share their experiences with us today. Read more »
Photo: Robin Narciso/OxfamAUS

Women’s Voice for Change: Empowering young women to influence decision makers

Nari is 24 and participates in a local Cambodian program called “Women Talk on Air” — a program that aims to build capacity and empower women to speak their minds to community leaders and decision-makers. She discusses her concerns around hydropower dam construction and the potential impact on an entire community. Read more »
Photo: Vlad Sohkin/OxfamAUS

Two of the big four banks take action to respect land rights

Westpac and National Australia Bank (NAB) have become the first of the big four banks to release a policy on land grabs — a significant step forward to stop unfair land deals that leave people around the world homeless and hungry. Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker

How Fairtrade coffee is changing lives

Coffee is crucial to the overall economy of East Timor. It is currently the most important source of foreign exchange and serves as the primary source of income for some 44,000 families. But for the members of Cooperativa Cafe Timor (CCT), the production of Fairtrade coffee is changing their lives one brew at a time. Read more »
Photo: Eddie Carbonell/OxfamAUS

Inspiring stories of change

Over the past two years, Oxfam has supported 25 young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to proactively affect change within their communities. As the 2012–2014 program cycle draws to a close, making way for the next group of bright and passionate young people, two participants share their inspiring stories of change and how your support made it happen. Read more »

Behind the Brands Update: General Mills; the making of a climate leader

After two months of campaigning, we are thrilled to announce that General Mills (the makers of Old El Paso and Latina past) who were once ranked last on climate change policies on our Behind the Brands scorecard has committed to become a true climate leader. How? By setting targets to reduce emissions, participate in real […] Read more »