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“We need to have a say in what happens to our kids”

Born and bred in Alice Springs, Donna began her leadership journey at the age of 17, motivated to address the needs of young people in curbing anti-social behaviour. She says Oxfam’s Straight Talk program has given her the tools to become an influencer in her community and stand up for the rights of Aboriginal people. Read more »

Bakery group turns mums into breadwinners in Tanzania

Subsistence handouts can only go so far in a place like Nyarugusu camp. So Oxfam is instead focused on practical ways — like baking — to give this growing refugee community a hand up, and help them become more self-sufficient. Read more »
oxfam tailor tanzania

A Tailor in Tanzania

Once, Buchumi was a primary school teacher. But when war broke out, he was forced to flee to a refugee camp in Tanzania. Here is life would change forever. Read more »
turubu papua new guinea

Look back on your achievements

2016 was a year of massive upheaval for many people across the world. But it was not all bad news. Together with Oxfam, you’ve been there, and given hope to millions of people. Read more »
PNG beekeeping sustainable business

Beekeeping: a buzzing business in PNG

Several years ago Kelly Inae came up with the idea of “Mountain Honey”, a honey making business to help farmers in rural areas by training them as beekeepers. Yet, despite his best intentions, he soon realised it wasn’t possible to do it all for free. Read more »

Mini’s Remarkable Story of Change

Like many Ni-Vanuatu young women, Mini Mului had always enjoyed school, but had to leave when she fell pregnant. Read how her life, and the lives of many other young Ni-Vanuatu people were changed forever as a result of Youth Challenge Vanuatu, a partner of Oxfam. Read more »

How people power changed the world’s biggest brands

The Behind the Brands campaign has pressured food giants like Nestlé, Mondelez, Mars, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, General Mills and Kellogg to change their policies for people and the planet. Three years later, how far have these companies come? Read more »

What does Oxfam Unwrapped mean for mums?

No matter where you live, raising a family is a tough job. But if you’re a parent living in poverty, raising a family becomes more than a difficult task: it can test their very limits to survive. Read more »

The benefits of clean water in 6 beautiful photos

Oxfam is providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene education in some of the world’s poorest countries. In fact, it’s one of the things we do best. View six beautiful photographs that showcase the benefits of clean water after an emergency and in our long-term development work. Read more »
Irene smiles with holding two of her children in Zambia

These women are fighting against extreme poverty … with bananas.

Every day Irene would risk her life to water her crops and feed her children. Today, she’s a co-producer at an award-winning banana farm and changing the future for her family. Discover how Oxfam and you make a difference to people in poverty around the world. Read more »