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Kathmandu, Nepal: Durga (4th from L), founder and owner of a local weaving business with her employees. Together we're supporting thousands of women like Durga to set up their own businesses in Nepal.

How you’re helping women artisans set up shop in Nepal

Thanks to you, we’re able to support 2700 earthquake-affected men and women with the tools and training to set up their own businesses in Nepal. Read more »

Cotton On cotton on to living wages

Cotton On has just announced they are strengthening their commitment to a living wage! Congratulations, Cotton On. Read more »
Rohingya refugee Asia Bibi* with solar powered lamp provided by Oxfam, in her shelter in the camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.

How your donation is helping Rohingya refugees rebuild

Thanks to you, Oxfam teams are on the ground in Bangladesh, working to improve living conditions for the many Rohingya families seeking refuge in makeshift camps there. Read more »
Things are looking up for Nathaniel* since Oxfam installed the new water supply in his village in Papua New Guinea. Photo: Patrick Moran/OxfamAUS. * Name changed to protect identity.

Voices January 2019

Thanks to you, we’ve reached 22.3 million people in the past year with life-saving emergency aid or life-changing solutions to help tackle poverty. These are just some of their many stories. Read more »

Thank you for tackling poverty with us in 2018

When people needed help in 2018, you gave them hope. Read more »

Clean water means a bright future

Thanks to Oxfam supporters, Miriam’s community in rural Zambia has clean, safe, water every single day. Read more »

A shaky arrival in Nepal

Lives were lost, homes reduced to rubble, and livelihoods shattered — but Muna survived. And amid the chaos, she welcomed her second son into the world. Read more »

Leading the way along the Salween River

How one local woman is mobilising villages to show their love for the free-flowing river, and defying those who wish to exploit it. Read more »

Cycling with Grace in Malawi

We know that education gives young people a path out of poverty. But the pathway to education is, quite literally, long and bumpy in Southern Malawi. So we’re breaking the cycle of poverty with… well, with cycles. Read more »
Oxfam is helping local rice farmers in Vietnam work smarter and grow more

Solutions that stick in Vietnam

In northern Vietnam, the only thing sweeter than sticky rice… is more sticky rice. So Oxfam is helping local rice farmers work smarter and grow more. Read more »