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Laos: the world’s most bombed country

NGO representatives meet in Laos, for the First Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions – which basically means the first annual meeting since the cluster bomb treaty was agreed. Read more »

How illicit arms brokers can slip through gaps

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Oxfam International has produced a new report, Brokers without Borders: How illicit arms brokers can slip through gaps in the Pacific and international arms control system to examine the problem of illicit arms brokering. Read more »

Afghans left out of aid decisions

Oxfam Australia Executive Director Andew Hewett argues that real progress in Afghanistan will only be made with the involvement of the Afghan people. Read more »

Shooting Poverty winners announced

The winners have been announced for the “Shooting Poverty” film competition – 3 films are now in production showing the link between guys and poverty. Check out this short promo video. Read more »

Murphy’s lore: Never give up

An interview with Ben Murphy, who works as a Humanitarian Advocacy Officer at Oxfam Australia. Ben recently spent 2 ½ weeks in New York as part of the Oxfam advocacy team campaigning for an internationally legally binding Arms Trade Treaty. Originally posted at 3things. Read more »

The Pacific’s loud voice at the UN Arms Trade Treaty negotiations

Whilst the Pacific has escaped the ‘AK-47’ plague that has caused suffering and disaster in other parts of the world, the region has certainly not been free from the scourge of gun violence and conflict. Read more »

NGOs share their voice at the Arms Trade Treaty Prepcomm

On Friday 16 July 2010, the Control Arms alliance, which includes Oxfam, were given an opportunity to present their position on the elements of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), to nations of the world involved in negotiations. Read more »

Arms Trade Treaty talks move to secrecy

Last minute decision by Chair ‘deeply disappointing’ –Civil society fears future treaty will be weakened Read more »

Day 2 of the Arms Trade Treaty talks

Summary of Day 2 of the Arms Trade Treaty talks in New York Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Day 1: negotiating an Arms Trade Treaty

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Overview of Day 1 of the Preparatory Committee for Negotiating an Arms Trade Treaty in New York Read more »