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Rohingya refugees

We must not fail the Rohingya again

Oxfam International Executive Director, Winnie Byanyima, calls on the international community to plug the funding aid gap, and international leaders to act to prevent another eruption of the Rohingya crisis. Read more »
Meg Quartermaine

Bearing witness on Manus Island

Oxfam Australia’s Humanitarian Lead, Meg Quartermaine, traveled to Manus Island as part of an Australian delegation of INGOs to explore and understand the situation of refugees and asylum seekers detained there. Read more »

“I am worried about my children. What will they eat?”

For more than 16 months, Ethiopia has been in drought. Water reserves are running out, crops are burnt and dying, and people don’t have enough food or water for themselves, let alone the livestock they rely on to make a living. Read more »

How we’re scraping by through the Yemen war

With the international media focused on the war in Syria, the Yemeni crisis is largely forgotten. The country is under total blockade and 7 million people are on the brink of starvation. Oxfam’s Mujeeb Al-Jaradi describes what life is like in the forgotten crisis. Read more »

Oxfam and Coldplay join forces to support people’s Right to Refuge

This December Coldplay has invited Oxfam on the road for their five Australian tour dates to raise awareness of the biggest humanitarian crisis in living memory. Read more »

I hear you: Hollywood actors read powerful stories of refugees

Amidst the largest refugee crisis since WW2, Oxfam has partnered with some of the best storytellers in the world to tell some of the most pressing stories. Read more »
Wardeh was displaced from her hometown due to the conflict in Syria. Credit: Islam Mardini / Oxfam

As violence worsens in Aleppo, Oxfam is working to keep Syrians healthy and safe

The situation in Syria continues to deteriorate after a failed ceasefire, and Oxfam is working to restore safe water and ensure that people can access sanitation and hygiene supplies. Read more »

What should our PM say about refugees? Here are 9 ideas…

In a few days, the global community will meet in New York to talk refugees — and Prime Minister Turnbull will be there. This is Australia’s chance to make a real difference to people seeking safety. Read more »
A young boy waits for a fresh cup of Somali yoghurt made from cow’s milk at the market in Hargeisa, Somaliland. Milk is one of the staple foods in Somalia.

New assessment confirms major drop in remittances to Somalia

Hundreds of thousands of Somalis depend on financial support from family working abroad — but a new assessment shows problems with the money transfer system are contributing to a significant reduction in vital remittance flows to vulnerable families in Somalia. Read more »
Hargeisa Market, Somalia

A lifeline for Somali families is hanging by a thread

The money sent home to loved ones by Somalis living abroad makes up a huge proportion of the country’s economy . In fact, nearly half of the Somali population depends on remittances to meet their everyday needs. Today, this flow of money is under threat like never before. Read more »