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Photo: Oxfam

2011: a busy year for all

It has been a busy year for the Oxfam labour rights team and our supporters who have contributed to supporting labour rights throughout the past 12 months. Thank you for all of your support! We have been part of some great campaign achievements through this year. Here are a few: Historic protocol seeks to protect […] Read more »
Photo courtesy Labour behind the label

Behind the double digit profits: Adidas factory workers share their stories

A photo essay produced by Labour Behind the Label documents the everyday struggles of workers making adidas products at the Shen Zhou factory in Phnom Penh. The price of rice in Cambodia has doubled over the past five years but workers’ wages have not kept up with rising costs of living. Job security is poor—24-year-old […] Read more »
Photo: Dave Tacon/Polaris/OxfamAUS

Campaign to support outworkers’ rights gains momentum

Last month hundreds of Nike Watch News readers took action to support stronger legal protections for home-based workers in Australia. Thank you for your support — it’s had a major impact. At the end of November the Government tabled a new outworker protections bill in parliament. Your ongoing support is crucial to ensuring that parliament […] Read more »
Photo: International Union of Food Workers

Life is bittersweet for Nestle workers

The Nescafe factory in Panjang, Indonesia, has fired almost two thirds of the SBNIB union membership. According to the IUF the workers were fired after a breakdown in negotiations over wages. The Nescafe workers had struggled for five years before finally gaining recognition for their independent trade union in March this year. After such a […] Read more »
Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Women in fashion

How Bangladeshi garment workers challenge the gender gap The fashion industry has the potential to improve the lives of the women it employs. But as long as gender-based discrimination and exploitative conditions persist, economic freedom remains unattainable for many female garment workers. Women’s organisations, unions and NGOs are working together to change this situation. According […] Read more »

Women Inspiring Change

More than 5 million Indonesian women work in factories. Their wages are very low and they receive 30% less than their male counterparts. But many are actively trying to change this situation… Read more »

Indonesian migrant worker advocate wins human rights award

Workers’ rights advocate Anis Hidayah has received the Human Rights Watch Alison Des Forges Award for her tireless efforts to ensure justice and human rights for Indonesian migrant workers. Read more »

Would you rate company CSR practices?

There has been a proliferation of company rating schemes in the past few years, but when it comes to improving workers’ rights are they really such a good thing? Read more »

Sneaky Business marches through Indonesia

More than 240 people from around the world have joined Sneaky Business—an online march to demand workers’ rights in the footwear industry. Read more »