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Photo: James Henry/OxfamAUS

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women: the right to be heard.

Straight Talk is an Australian program that connects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women with the political system and builds the capacity of women as change makers. One such woman is Heather Shearer, an Aranda woman from Labrapuntja near Ntaria (Hermannsburg), a member of the Stolen Generation and proud mum/grandmother. Read more »

10 photos that rocked last year’s Close the Gap student photo challenge

Instagram may have a reputation as a breeding ground for selfies and photos of brunch, but in March there’s a reason to put those filters to good use. This year’s Student Photo Challenge is running from March 16-20. More details are available in the National Close the Gap Day How to Guide. Read more »
Close the Gap Parliamentary Breakfast 2015

Close the Gap Progress and Priorities Report 2015

Dr Peter Lewis, Indigenous Policy Advisor Today the Close the Gap Campaign delivered its annual Progress and Priorities Report on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and well-being at the Parliamentary Breakfast in Canberra. Prime Minister Abbott, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Greens leader Christine Milne all emphasised the need for for a long-haul and multi-partisan commitment to end […] Read more »
Photo: Peter Izzard/OxfamAUS

Three schools who love National Close the Gap Day

Check out just some of the incredible schools from across Australia who participated in National Close the Gap Day 2014. Read more »
Photo: Eddie Carbonell/OxfamAUS

Inspiring stories of change

Over the past two years, Oxfam has supported 25 young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to proactively affect change within their communities. As the 2012–2014 program cycle draws to a close, making way for the next group of bright and passionate young people, two participants share their inspiring stories of change and how your support made it happen. Read more »
Photo: Ngarra Murray

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women creating change in community

The Straight Talk program has brought together more than 400 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women from across the nation to learn about Australia’s political system and form powerful networks with each other and with women of Federal Parliament. Read more »
Former Straight Talk participants, Lefan Jard and Vonda Moar-Malone at the Oxfam offices in Melbourne. They are now members of our Steering Group for 2013 Straight Talk. Photo: Lara McKinley

How you can get involved with NAIDOC week

NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia. It’s not only celebrated in Indigenous communities but by Australians from all walks of life. Read more »
Photo: Lara McKinley

Our vision for reconciliation

Oxfam Australia believes that reconciliation is critical to achieving a just world without poverty. We recognise that since colonisation, successive government policies have systematically disadvantaged and marginalised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. They remain the most significantly disadvantaged group in Australia, disproportionately affected by poverty, unemployment, chronic illness, disability, lower life expectancy and high levels of incarceration. Read our Reconciliation Action Plan and discover our work with Indigenous Australia. Read more »
Photo: Jason Malouin/OXFAM AUS

Record National Close the Gap Day

A record 1289 community-led events were held across Australia on March 20th to celebrate National Close the Gap Day, attracting more than 150,000 people. To find out how you can show your continuing support for Indigenous health equality, read on. Read more »

Close the Gap with the “30 for 2030” Challenge!

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To close the gap in a generation, Indigenous health equality needs to be on top of the political agenda. By taking the 30 for 2030 challenge you’ll be joining thousands of others to remind the government of their commitments to Indigenous health. Read more »