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National Close the Gap participants hold a banner in support of Indigenous health equality

5 sad, frustrating, and extraordinary things we should all know about Indigenous health

After another National Close the Gap Day, we take a look at what you’ve achieved and what still needs to be done to achieve Indigenous health equality. Read more »

Five ways to a healthy future for all Australians

Today on National Close the Gap Day, take one or more of these five actions to show your support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equality. Read more »

10 years of Close the Gap, 10 amazing milestones

The Close the Gap campaign aims to end the appalling life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and non-Indigenous Australians by 2030. Together, we’ve started to Close the Gap. Here are 10 of our favourite milestones over the last 10 years: Read more »
Students huddle around a mobile phone to showcase their interest in the Close the Gap Instagram challenge

How to Close the Gap with a snap

We’ve created an Instagram photo challenge especially for Australian students to help Close the Gap. Adding your creative voice is a powerful way to help raise awareness and inspire others in your community. Read more »

Being a young Aboriginal woman in Australia today

Close the Gap campaign lead, Tom Widdup, finds out how — despite continued high levels of Indigenous disadvantage, and a disconnect that still hinders relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia — Danielle and many young Indigenous Australians like her are working to overcome these barriers. Read more »
Close the Gap Parliamentary Breakfast

“Righting the wrongs”: it’s our responsibility to Close the Gap

On the day our Prime Minister hands down his government’s annual Closing the Gap report into Indigenous disadvantage, Oxfam’s Close the Gap campaign lead, Tom Widdup, considers the public campaign driving action to achieve Indigenous health equality. Read more »

Oxfam is calling on Australians to call out racism

On Sunday, two men painted themselves black to represent ‘Indigenous Australians’ at an Aussie–icon themed party in the regional Victorian town of Ballarat, another partygoer dressed as Cathy Freeman, wore a cape and painted her face black. Read more »

How you can continue the healing

Health professional and proud Noongar woman Vicki Wade reflects on her people’s struggle to overcome generations of disadvantage and the subsequent health burden. Read more »

Local community recognises the Deadly smiles project

Oxfam recently partnered with the Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service (AWAHS) to deliver the ‘Deadly Smiles’ project, a project dedicated to improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Hear from the Project Lead, Dr Dumi Medago, who recently received an Appreciation Award from the local community. Read more »
Constitutional recognition

What does constitutional recognition actually mean?

The debate about removing the remaining powers that have been used to discriminate against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and replacing these with a text that protects against any further loss of our unique Indigenous cultures, has been going on for decades. Debate is fundamental to working through this issue, but it’s only helpful when we have a proper understanding of the facts and a respect for a process that is ultimately controlled by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Read more »