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Photo: Savann Oeurm/Oxfam AU

The Lower Sesan 2 Dam will soon flood several Cambodian Communities

Chhea’s community is threatened by the construction of a large hydropower dam. She shares her concerns and hopes for the future. Read more »
Mekong community fishery

How Cambodian villages protect their fish

Fish is a fundamental resource for poor Cambodian communities. Easily accessible by communities who live alongside the Mekong river, fish constitutes 75% of Cambodia’s animal protein intake. But this abundance of fish is threatened by illegal fishing activities and destructive infrastructure development. Read more »

Oxfam participates in the big issues at Garma festival 2015

The 17th Garma festival was held recently in Arnhem Land. The significant forum discussed and debated various issues confronting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples such as constitutional recognition, economic development and the forced closure of remote Aboriginal communities — but it was also a celebration of Indigenous culture. Read more »
Mukuru Kenya Africa

When I grow up: a story of hope from the slums of Nairobi

Victor wants to be a pilot, but without access to a clean toilet, he may never realise his ambition. This is the photo story of how one clever toilet is protecting children from disease, keeping kids in school, and changing the lives the people in the Mukuru slum in Kenya. Read more »

The spirit of Vanuatu: 3 months since Cyclone Pam

About three months ago, Oxfam Vanuatu Country Director Colin Collett van Rooyen, opened his front door in Port Vila not knowing what to expect. Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Pam had torn through Vanuatu’s capital just hours before. Today, he reflects on Oxfam’s recovery efforts and the incredible spirit of the people of Vanuatu. Read more »

What would you do if you were President for a day?

Urban developments, otherwise known as slums, are quickly spreading across Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. With them comes a huge threat of disease and poverty for the hundreds of thousands of people who call the slums home. Read the stories of 10 kids from the Mukuru slum and their dreams for the future. Read more »
Photo: Sam Tarling

The smart way to tackle poverty

In the Mukuru slum in Nairobi, Kenya, Oxfam is working with our partner Sanergy to supply schools with Fresh Life toilets — providing a clean and sanitary environment for kids to go to the toilet. It sounds straight forward, but this ingenious invention is keeping kids in school, creating jobs and saving lives. Read more »
Nepal earthquake donations

Nepal’s mountain guides helping Oxfam deliver aid to remote villages

In the last month two large earthquakes and more than 100 aftershocks have devastated Nepal. Thousands of survivors are now without homes — and with the monsoon season around the corner — Oxfam’s top priority is to deliver shelter and emergency aid as soon as possible. Read 9 stories of survival. Read more »
Photo: Abo Haitham

Ongoing violence in Yemen pushing country towards economic collapse

With the escalation of conflict in Yemen now in its second month, the country is now in the midst of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe. Water supply systems have been heavily damaged, food prices are spiralling out of control, and more than 300,000 people have been displaced. Oxfam program officer Bassim describes how the crisis has changed his life. Read more »
Davis. Photo: Perou/Oxfam

Flying toilets versus Fresh Life toilets

Davis has lived in Mukuru — a giant urban settlement, or slum — since the year 2000. The lack of proper sanitation and infrastructure in the urban slums of Nairobi cause vicious outbreaks of disease. But Davis has seen children’s lives saved with something called a Fresh Life toilet. Read more »