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Yemen on the brink: conflict is pushing millions towards famine

More than two years of brutal conflict in Yemen have forced millions of families to leave their homes, and pushed many more to the brink of famine. 60 percent of the population are suffering from food insecurity and malnutrition. Read more »

Tackling poverty by changing minds, systems and lives

How you are joining forces with people who share the belief that no-one should live in poverty, to empower communities to build better lives for themselves. Read more »
Wardeh was displaced from her hometown due to the conflict in Syria. Credit: Islam Mardini / Oxfam

As violence worsens in Aleppo, Oxfam is working to keep Syrians healthy and safe

The situation in Syria continues to deteriorate after a failed ceasefire, and Oxfam is working to restore safe water and ensure that people can access sanitation and hygiene supplies. Read more »
Papua New Guinea: Six-year-old Jane* survived a brutal assault by four men which left her hospitalised and permanently scarred. Photo: Vlad Sokhin.

What can you walk past?

Affecting one in three women globally, violence against women and girls is an epidemic in need of urgent and sustained action. Last week, women from across the Pacific, as well as Aboriginal leaders, and Oxfam Australia’s Chief Executive, Helen Szoke, met in the Solomon Islands to help turn this around. Read more »

They survived the violence, but they can’t survive without clean water

“There is only one activity in the community — surviving.” Louise and her family escaped armed rebels, but now they face a new danger — deadly, dirty water. Read more »

Carrying the weight of war: portraits along the road to Rubaya

To survive, men, women and children transport goods along the dirt road carrying everything from coal to vegetables. Some people are walking for four days just to sell a bag of potatoes. Read more »
A man is hauled from the rubble in the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake.

One year after disaster, you’re building a stronger Nepal

A year ago a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal. Thousands of Oxfam supporters took action and generously donated. In this blog, you’ll meet just some of the people whose lives have changed thanks to your response. Read more »

The benefits of clean water in 6 beautiful photos

Oxfam is providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene education in some of the world’s poorest countries. In fact, it’s one of the things we do best. View six beautiful photographs that showcase the benefits of clean water after an emergency and in our long-term development work. Read more »
Honkeo in her role as a Community Fishery Facilatator.

Women champions conserving the environment for the next generation

Honkeo has a big vision: to empower Indigenous communities and to help them conserve their natural resources for the next generation: ““Nature is life for our indigenous communities … If women know their roles, they will contribute more”. Discover the life-changing work Oxfam does in the Mekong. Read more »
Irene smiles with holding two of her children in Zambia

These women are fighting against extreme poverty … with bananas.

Every day Irene would risk her life to water her crops and feed her children. Today, she’s a co-producer at an award-winning banana farm and changing the future for her family. Discover how Oxfam and you make a difference to people in poverty around the world. Read more »