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Photo: Cedric Nunn/OxfamAUS

Reading, writing and HIV

For Thandekile Chonco, the literacy class she attends in Qomokuphila village, in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, is not just about learning how to read and write. By attending the classes four times a week, she can now sign her name instead of using a thumbprint; she can count out money to avoid getting ‘robbed’ of correct […] Read more »

A fragile existence

A seven-year drought is forcing poor families in KwaNibela, South Africa, to take desperate measures to get water to drink. For the families who live in KwaNibela, a remote part of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, water has become a precious commodity. The once lush green landscape is now bone-dry. Streams have dried up, trees are a […] Read more »
Photo: Richard Kendal/OxfamAUS

The Fitzroy Stars Football Club

The Fitzroy Stars are an Aboriginal football club based in Melbourne. The club promotes health and fitness, and also helps build self esteem among the players. It offers pathways to employment and education as well as serving as a meeting place for the wider Aboriginal community. Oxfam has been a proud supporter of the Fitzroy […] Read more »