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How do your groceries compare with these 7 families?

How much food does your household go through in a week? What are your go-to family meals? And how much do you spend on food? You can get a glimpse of how others answered these questions in Oxfam’s photo series, which depicts people from around the globe with one week’s food supply for their families. Read more »
Photo: Bonnie Savage Oxfam AU

Television can be good for your health

Television can get a bad rap. It incites us to buy products, vote for politicians and can influence how we should act, think and feel. But across the Pacific, hit TV show, “Love Patrol” is leveraging the power of TV to put HIV in the limelight. Read more »

Sammy J and Randy in South Africa

Australian comedy duo Sammy J and Randy attracted some funny looks during their recent trip to South Africa. They suspect this might have had something to do with the colour of Randy’s purple hue! The pair paid a visit to the Woza Moya HIV/AIDS Community Centre (an Oxfam partner organisation) in the lead up to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala and made a few friends along the way. Read more »

First-hand account: violence in South Sudan

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South Sudan is again in the throes of extreme violence. Close to 10,000 people have been killed and almost 400,000 others have fled their homes. Oxfam’s Grace Cahill, a press officer, recalls her experiences in Awerial camp: “Yesterday half the camp looked up to see an armed helicopter pass down along the river and turn towards Bor, a series of bombs was heard two minutes later…” Read more »

Lessons and impressions of Timor-Leste (part one)

Meet Ari. Ari is volunteering in Timor-Leste with the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD). Working alongside Oxfam, she’ll be sharing her experiences with the Timorese people and Oxfam’s development work on the ground. Read more »

Your life-changing support

Back in 2009, we visited Adriana and her son Jovandro in Timor-Leste, where almost half of children under five are underweight (WHO 2013). Jovandro was very thin and very weak. But there is a happy ending to this story. Read more »

A message from the Za’atari Refugee Camp

I have recorded a brief message for you from the Za’atari camp in Jordan. You can view it above. As I watch the people living in this camp collect clean, safe water to drink, I’m constantly reminded that our wonderful Oxfam supporters helped to put this tank here. These refugees live in this camp without […] Read more »

No place for children

This man has five children and has shifted at least 10 times in the past seven months. He has one child who is diabetic and his one-year-old son has serious heart problems. Access to medical care is a big issue. Read more »

“Their homes had been razed to the ground”

I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like when the temperatures hit the extremes – snow in winter and searing heat in the summer. So imagine then what it is like if you’re a Syrian refugee, having fled to Jordan for your safety and the safety of your family, and now you have to find a way to survive in this country. Read more »

Oxfam Raises Awareness of Children in Informal Settlements in Creative Ways

The Voice team accompanied a group of Oxfam’s team working in informal settlements inhabited by Syrian refugees in an area called ‘Al Lubban’ on the Airport road in the capital Amman. The team provides exercises for children including games and activities which aim at teaching them how to raise the awareness on health issues and […] Read more »